Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Randon Thought?!?!?!

I have wondered this for years... Today I finally put it to the test... How do you politely tell someone their zipper is down?!?! If anyone has any suggestions please share!!!


JoAlice said...

A couple months ago we were sitting in a restaurant eating and the server (who was a woman) didn't know her zipper was down. I said, "I just want to let you know your zipper is down. It's not that I was specifically looking there, but your zipper was eye level to us." She laughed and thanked me. When she walked by a little later, she hurried and looked down at her zipper to make sure it was still up!

Leslie said...

I just say "Sorry, but your zipper is down." Works every time. It's not rude to tell them. It's actually probably NICER to let them know!

Jen said...

I totally told someone just the other day!

I said "I really don't mean to embarrass you, but I know I would want someone to tell me", then I said in a quiet whisper, "your zipper is down."

Kelli said...

All very good suggestions! I too would want someone to tell me. In fact, while at Target with Mom on Friday I looked down and yelled, "Why didn't anyone tell me my zipper was down?"

Jes said...

This cracks me up. Parents should teach these things to their kids.

Thanks for the tips! Oh, and Kim, I love your random thoughts!