Saturday, June 28, 2008

Breakfast in Bed!!

I was so excited and happy that Josh and Hailey made me breakfast in bed this morning!! I know all of you are thinking that is so sweet!!! I know! They made bacon and pancakes....Yummy!!! While I was eating the pancake it tasted rather strange.... However, I thought it was because it was a wheat pancake mix.... WRONG!!! Josh and Hailey came into the bedroom laughing and carrying on about how they put formula "Similac" in the pancake mix!! I know you are thinking not so sweet anymore.... Don't you worry, I felt the same way!!! It took me awhile to get over it but at least now I can laugh!! My stomach however, is still churning!!


JoAlice said...

My first thought was why do you have Similac in the house??!!?? Second thought was not so funny. Come on Josh and need to take care of dinner tonight using the right ingredients. By the way....does Josh realize turn about is fair play? :o)

Kimberly Giardino said...

I never cancelled the free mailings from motherhood way back when.... Low and behold they mail you out 2 regular cans of formula... I have been trying to find someone with a baby to give to!

Leslie said...

Yuck! Formula is disgusting so I feel for you!

Jen said...

All I have to say is....YUCK!

JoAlice said...

By the way......don't get rid of the Similac. You could have a baby before the formula expires. Or, just keep it as part of your food storage.......apparently you can use it for pancakes!

Pammerscush said...

Yuck!!! Still a little funny though! :)