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Saturday, June 27, 2009
Fun With Family!!!
We had such a fun time with them here at our house!! They got here yesterday around 5:00 and after I picked up Hailey we went to Cici's pizza... Josh was unable to come with us as he had to work until 7:30. After dinner we came back home and the girls and I were doing some crafts while Kevin slept on the couch! Kaden was able to come over and join the fun!! We got a little creative (well I did) and put some paint on the little girls lips and they had so much fun with that!! I think they enjoyed posing for the pictures!! We played outside, Josh, Kevin and the neighbor boys were playing baseball in the street until 9:45 and then we came in and finished the movie Francie was watching!!!
This morning we all slept in and it was wonderful!! Hailey even slept in which is unusual!! I made blueberry pancakes, bacon and green eggs and ham!! Kevin was reading Heather that book last night and I asked her if she had ever tried them!! I told her I would make them! However, she was the only one who did not try them!
After breakfast we went up to Heritage Square again to ride the alpine slide!! Kevin loves that place and after taking Zach he wanted to make sure the girls got to go!! Hailey loved the slide!!!! I thought she would be a little scared but she was in heaven!! After sliding down the mountain 3 times we went and had our usual picnic at Red Rocks!! However, this time we were unable to go on stage becasue they were setting up for the Morman Tabernacle Choir! The girls had fun running on the stairs!! We came home and rested for a little while and visited, then it was time for them to leave!!
Thank you Kevin for a fun weekend!! Thank you for bringing the girls, we look forward to seeing you again when you come for the Springs project!!!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Man Crush!!
I heard them talking about this on the radio this morning and thought it was pretty funny! I wanted to check it out online so I could see what the guy looked like! I hope you enjoy!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Fathers Day!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Just when I thought my life of blogging was getting a little boring, Dakota goes and proves me wrong!! Here she is in all her glory, drinking water from the toilet!! Something Jax would never dream of..... Apparently Dakota has no shame!! I think it is hilarious!!
Blogging Vacation!!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Laundry Simplified!!
What Dakota Enjoys!!!!
Cheesecake Strawberries!!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Living Up To It!!!

My neighbor Robin and I try to go to the gym every other evening and it has been working quite well!! I have included in my nightly routine taking a shower at the gym and wearing pajamas home so that I can hop into bed!!
However, tonight while I was bending over to put something in my bag (I was fully clothed) this girl, later found out her name is Sylvia did a double take and I quote "Damn girl! You have a big butt!!" WOW!!! What do you say to that!! A million things raced though my mind and I finally said thanks, but I do not like it!! She said I would love to have one like that! At this point I am still speechless!! I have always had issues with my lower half, I wish I was small on bottom like I am on top!! Is that not what balance is all about!! Nope not me, I was blessed with a body made for making and breeding babies, lots of babies apparently!!!
Robin came into the locker room only to find me talking with this gal, thank heavens she came in.... I have to say this is not the first time I have been with Robin and a comment has been made....When I was younger I was called "Bubble Bottom" Oh everyone thought it was so cute!! I do not think so!! Your bottom is not cute while you are walking around the house or up the stairs with a little puppy (Dakota) nipping at it hoping to get a nice bite out of it!!! I swear she thinks it is the best chew toy out there!! I know that I will never loose my bottom, however, I have seen it happen before with me.... I can tone it up (literally) and I feel a lot more comfortable with it!! I know this post is a little on the risky side, I apologize if I have offended anyone!!