Monday, September 29, 2008

Life Lesson #1

I think that I need to start posting my daily life lessons for all of you who have to figure things out the hard way like myself.... Well not always, however, some of the things I have done I wish I would have learned from someone elses mishaps.... Lukily what I am about to tell you did not turn out bad... It could have!!! So here it is Life Lesson #1 actually more like 10,000 but it will be #1 on my blog and then as days come with new lessons I will share!!
#1- Never leave a candle unattended!! I have heard this about children :) This is what will happen and your walls may start on fire!! Good thing these are floating shelves so the wax basically just suspended in air!! I think it looks cool... But do not try this at home!


Kelli said...


JoAlice said...

Oh my gosh Kimberly!!!!! When you called and told me, I wasn't "visualizing" it quite like this. It's hysterical yet scary!! Let's not do that again! :o)

Emily ~ Little Window Shoppe said...

Oh my goodness! That is a good picture, what a great idea for your life lessons too...I think I have about 10,000 as well. :)
Emily Norton