Monday, November 2, 2009

Time, Time, Time!!!!

Back on July 21st I was so excited to be announcing that I had less than 200 days to go until our little munchkin arrives.... Today it is with great excitement that I let you all know we are now less than 100 days away!! Wow, this is going so fast!!


Amber said...

That's so exciting! So little time left!

JoAlice said...

I am constantly watching your little "time clock" on your blog!!! WooHoo!

Kelli said...

I'm glad you have such a great attitude about it all.

But lets talk around Christmas when you have roughly three or four weeks and just feel fat and miserable and uncomfortable and nothing fits and Josh is annoying and you wish your sister would quit telling you to stop complaining and get over it!

Does that sound about right? Just checking!

No seriously, I'm so glad its still going great. We're excited to see you in a few weeks!