Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Kids Say The Darndest Things!!

Hailey informed Josh and I on Sunday that we have cracks in our forehead!! I informed Hailey that those were not cracks that they were merely wrinkles that you get as your grow older!! Is that how children really view things.... I guess I have asked some pretty crazy things myself to my elders... What are some random things your kids have said to you!!! I guess when they say "You crack me up... You really did"


Rogers Family said...

Well being Pregnant my son likes to walk in on my changing and says "mom your bottom has wrinkles on it".. Love my son!! Can't wait to work those wrinkles out when the baby is born..

Kelli said...

With the help of Mary Kay...tell Miss Hailey that Aunt Kelli's cracks are closed up a bit.

Nana said...

I remember when you were little and we were in a car and you were staring at the skin under my chin. You asked if I saved food in it or was it full of sand!

Leslie said...

I'm getting crows feet around my eyes. AND BAGS! I've never had bags under my eyes in my life. I hate getting older... I wish I could stop the clock at 30.