Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Remember When.....!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It will be fun to read the responses. I'll be sure to check your blog so I can leave a comment as well!Thanks for playing!


Kelli said...

What can I say...there are a lot of memories! Yes I'm grateful we stopped fighting. I was a mean big sister! But in my defense...I didn't go it alone...Kevin helped remember! I'm sure you won't forget when we threw you in the pool naked at Grandma's! I'm sorry but I don't really feel bad for it because it was funny. I am so glad you can laugh about it now! You are laughing right! I'm glad you're my sister! When are you moving home!

Borland family said...

New Years Eve 2001. That was a blast. We all got together at your house to hang out before we headed to the singles dance. I remember when you first got your pool table and we tried playing on it, but it hadn't been leveled yet. Such fun times being single. Now the joys of marriage and motherhood, wouldn't change a thing!

Jen said...

This is EASY. Our trip to Wyoming when you hit the bird! You could see exactly where the beak hit your headlight. That was hilarious!

Pammerscush said...

YEP, way too many to chose from. Our trip to San Fran. You being through weddings babies, birthdays (we have now celebrated 7 together!!) sporting events, fireworks, new years eve parties downtown, LOTS AND LOTS of dinners! Going to the condo with me. Love you dear!