Monday, January 26, 2009

Great Quote!!

"What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?" ~Robert H. Schuller

I stole this quote off my sisters blog!! I really think this is true and I am certainly learning to test my boundries with things!! I think much could be accomplished by everyone if fear did not stand in our way!! There are certain things I am completely confident about and other things I get nervous and would rather take the backseat!!! However, I am learning very quickly taking the backseat is not going to get me anywhere.... I need to take the wheel and steer my life in the way I want it to go. If I want results, I cannot rely on others to get them for me!!!

That is just me expressing my very own opinion....


JoAlice said...

Wow!!!! Great thoughts Kimberly!!! I am guessing you are not a backseat driver! Good for you!

Kelli said...

That is quite the "AW HAH!" moment you had all because of the quote I fasted and prayed over today. I guess I was inspired just for YOU! Yay YOU!