I am wondering if I slightly over reacted when I decided that I wanted to make my blog private!
I know that there are a lot of people who read this and I want them to continue to do so! I do not mind sharing our lives with others!! I do not think we are the most exciting people in the world but I know people want to keep up on what we are doing here in Colorado considering we are the only ones here family wise! My sister Kelli sent me a little link so that you can block others from taking pictures off of your blog!! I added it to our page and it does work! I would like to think that technology and I are beginning to have a love hate relationship!! I love that others can stay connected, however, I hate all the protection you have to put on everything to keep yourself safe!
A lady I used to work for took a picture of me off of my blog and emailed it (Or was going to it was still in a draft) to her husband.... Does not sound all tha bad.... She and another gal I worked with are now under investigation for some things at our office and another.... Someone who I once thought I was friends with, come to find out it was all lies!!! It really bothered me about my picture!! I guess if she still wants to view this blog she can know that I know what is happening and I think she is crazy!!! I am not going to let her get the best of me anymore!! I am better than that!!
I know that a lot of you gave me your email addresses and I appreciate that.... However, for now I think I am going to remain public but I am going to take precautions!!
Welcome to our blog! We hope you come often and enjoy your stay! Leave a message so we know you have been here!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Going Private!!
Long story short I have decided to go private with our family blog. Something has come to my attention and it is very distrubing, I will explain later! If you would like to continue to view our blog please leave a comment with your email address and I will make sure you are added. Or if you would rather you can email me directly at kimberlybair@hotmail.com Thanks for understanding!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day!!!
The three of us drove up towards the moutains to ride on the alpine slide up at Heritage Square!! A huge hit!! After that we drove a couple of miles to Red Rocks and had a picnic that I had prepared!! Zachary thought that zooming down the side of a mountain on a sled was great!! Big smile the whole time!! Kevin rode with him twice and then I rode with him! Both Kevin and I were able to ride solo!!! Zachary had a great time climbing on all the rocks at Red Rocks!! Kevin was able to lift him up pretty high which made for some good pictures!! Kevin and I always joke that when he comes to town and we go to dinner or what not that everyone thinks we are married.... I am sure today they thought that Zachary was my son!! Kind of funny!!! I am so happy that they were able to come and spend some time with me!! I am thankful that Kevins job allows him to travel here!! I am so happy that he got a bid on a job in the springs!! Yeah!! He gets to come back!!!
Cheap Entertainment!!!
My brother Kevin and his son Zachary came into town last night for work! My dad was also here to run the Bolder Boulder, we had a good time last night visiting and catching up! After my dad left we decided to have a little bit of fun with Zachary... He was more than willing to do it!!! I am beginning to think that funny is an understatement!
Zachary had so much fun he thought that Dakota should not be left out of the festivities!!
I promise no one was injured!!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Lack Of Motivation!!!
I worked out at the gym today for about an hour, now I have no motivation to clean the house!! Even though I told Josh he would come home to a "Sparkling House"!!! I guess I should stand by my word and get to moving!! I am so very excited that Dr. Stimmel is gone for the next 2 weeks!! Nice way to start a summer vacation!! However, there will be lots of visits to the schools from the tooth fairy!! I also thought I would add a little video of Jax and Dakota doing what they do best!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Play Time!!
Dokota and I bonded a little today!! She has become a little more relaxed and it is nice that she is not all over the place and howling at anything and everything!! I am also happy to report that we have not had any recent accidents in the house to speak of!! Good Girl!!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!!
Just wanted to tell all you moms who read my blog "Happy Mother's Day" What would we do if we did not all have great moms!! Especially you mom, I love you so much!! I hope that you have a wonderful day!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I Love It!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Dokota and Her Toys!!!
I have finally come to the realizationt that Dakota has a mind of her own!! She has her own agenda and is determined to stick to it!! A moment ago I realized that Dakota has brought in a stock pile of stuffed animals from Hailey's room. Her choice of animals were the ones that were on Hailey's nicely made bed.... Her Giraffe, easter bunny and her koala webkinz..... She is the craziest dog and thinks that all toys are hers!!
This is a favorite sleeping position for Jax and Dakota...
We are very cruel.... Dakota was dressed up in an outfit of Hailey's... It was hilarious!! Hailey, Josh and I were laughing quite hard!!! She had no clue!
Dakota was a little under the weather last week and is starting to recover!! They called it "Garbage Gut" I finally had to take her to the vet and they checked her out and gave her an IV to get her fluids back up and a shot of antibiotics.... I was expecting the bill to be outrageous, however, I am happy to report that the total bill was $50.00!!! WOW!!! As I type Dakota is now barking out the window at the landscapers mowing the lawn across the street and one house over.... If she could jump out of the screen I am sure she would!! Crazy dog! Yeah, she finally barked herself to sleep!! I swear it is as if I have a toddler running around the house!! 
This is a favorite sleeping position for Jax and Dakota...
Monday, May 4, 2009
59 Years And Going Strong!!!
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