Dakota was a little under the weather last week and is starting to recover!! They called it "Garbage Gut" I finally had to take her to the vet and they checked her out and gave her an IV to get her fluids back up and a shot of antibiotics.... I was expecting the bill to be outrageous, however, I am happy to report that the total bill was $50.00!!! WOW!!! As I type Dakota is now barking out the window at the landscapers mowing the lawn across the street and one house over.... If she could jump out of the screen I am sure she would!! Crazy dog! Yeah, she finally barked herself to sleep!! I swear it is as if I have a toddler running around the house!! 
This is a favorite sleeping position for Jax and Dakota...
Listening to Elder Oaks talk when he mentioned the couple on the airplane who chose a dog over children because they didn't need discipline, didn't back talk, etc. Ben and I looked at each other and said, "Maybe a dog would have been better!" But, now reading your blog I don't know what's better- a dog or a toddler! I love reading your dog stories- they're great!!!
(I am NOT trying to imply you chose dogs over kids- please don't think I meant that- I strongly apologize if you thought that-I was just referring to this particular story!!!!!)
Heavens no I did not think that is what you meant!! No need to apologize!! The plus side about children is there is health insurance for when they get sick!! :)
I didn't think you would be offended, but I wanted to make sure!!!
I have friends who have spend thosands of dollars on their dog and it always amazes! I guess I was never that attached to a pet!
It definitely sounds like Dakota has added some "fun" to your family!!
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