Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Dokota and Her Toys!!!

I have finally come to the realizationt that Dakota has a mind of her own!! She has her own agenda and is determined to stick to it!! A moment ago I realized that Dakota has brought in a stock pile of stuffed animals from Hailey's room. Her choice of animals were the ones that were on Hailey's nicely made bed.... Her Giraffe, easter bunny and her koala webkinz..... She is the craziest dog and thinks that all toys are hers!!

Dakota was a little under the weather last week and is starting to recover!! They called it "Garbage Gut" I finally had to take her to the vet and they checked her out and gave her an IV to get her fluids back up and a shot of antibiotics.... I was expecting the bill to be outrageous, however, I am happy to report that the total bill was $50.00!!! WOW!!! As I type Dakota is now barking out the window at the landscapers mowing the lawn across the street and one house over.... If she could jump out of the screen I am sure she would!! Crazy dog! Yeah, she finally barked herself to sleep!! I swear it is as if I have a toddler running around the house!!

This is a favorite sleeping position for Jax and Dakota... We are very cruel.... Dakota was dressed up in an outfit of Hailey's... It was hilarious!! Hailey, Josh and I were laughing quite hard!!! She had no clue!


Christina said...

Listening to Elder Oaks talk when he mentioned the couple on the airplane who chose a dog over children because they didn't need discipline, didn't back talk, etc. Ben and I looked at each other and said, "Maybe a dog would have been better!" But, now reading your blog I don't know what's better- a dog or a toddler! I love reading your dog stories- they're great!!!

Christina said...

(I am NOT trying to imply you chose dogs over kids- please don't think I meant that- I strongly apologize if you thought that-I was just referring to this particular story!!!!!)

Kimberly Giardino said...

Heavens no I did not think that is what you meant!! No need to apologize!! The plus side about children is there is health insurance for when they get sick!! :)

Christina said...

I didn't think you would be offended, but I wanted to make sure!!!

I have friends who have spend thosands of dollars on their dog and it always amazes! I guess I was never that attached to a pet!

JoAlice said...

It definitely sounds like Dakota has added some "fun" to your family!!