Friday, May 29, 2009


I am wondering if I slightly over reacted when I decided that I wanted to make my blog private!

I know that there are a lot of people who read this and I want them to continue to do so! I do not mind sharing our lives with others!! I do not think we are the most exciting people in the world but I know people want to keep up on what we are doing here in Colorado considering we are the only ones here family wise! My sister Kelli sent me a little link so that you can block others from taking pictures off of your blog!! I added it to our page and it does work! I would like to think that technology and I are beginning to have a love hate relationship!! I love that others can stay connected, however, I hate all the protection you have to put on everything to keep yourself safe!

A lady I used to work for took a picture of me off of my blog and emailed it (Or was going to it was still in a draft) to her husband.... Does not sound all tha bad.... She and another gal I worked with are now under investigation for some things at our office and another.... Someone who I once thought I was friends with, come to find out it was all lies!!! It really bothered me about my picture!! I guess if she still wants to view this blog she can know that I know what is happening and I think she is crazy!!! I am not going to let her get the best of me anymore!! I am better than that!!

I know that a lot of you gave me your email addresses and I appreciate that.... However, for now I think I am going to remain public but I am going to take precautions!!


Christina said...

What is that link? That sounds like a great idea! I am sorry that you have to deal with everything at work- you're the most honest person, I can't believe anybody could suspect you of any wrongdoing!

Kelli said...

As long as you're comfortable with it then you're good! Also, if you haven't done so, sign up for Blog Patrol. It helps you monitor who visits your site and from where they visit.

Jes said...

Can I have that link? I would like to do the same thing with our pictures.

Natalie said...

What is that link? I think I'd like to add that to our page too. even though we're already private...:D And where do you get the Blog Patrol?

JoAlice said...

Good for you! It's amazing there are so many snakes out there!

Borland family said...

What isthat link? I hope thigs get betterfor you!