Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Girl Scouts!!

Every year the Girl Scout troops come to our office to earn their dental health badge!! I have the opportunity to talk to the girls about brushing, how many teeth they have, what different teeth are called, etc... Then we take the girls into the ops to give them some hands on experience! They all have such a great time doing this, it is so much fun to watch them as they learn new things!!


JoAlice said...

You're lucky you get to do these types of things with the kids. Especially going to schools, day cares, etc.....a nice little break sometimes from the usual day to day work stuff. We're very proud of what you have accomplished!

Nana said...

You look so cute, Kim! You have always been great with kids!!Just looking at the dental office gives me the willy's!!! Yike!!

Rogers Family said...

I think you are smokin hot girl.. I love the pictures they are so fun.. I am so with Nana on this one.. I can't handle dentist office.. You are so great with kids.. love ya

Kelli said...

There are actually kids out there that look forward to this? That is unsettling to me! You do look adorable! How fun to be able to help!

Kelli said...

P.S. M loved visiting with you on the phone. I'm sorry I couldn't talk. My cell was ringing off the hook and my throat is killing me! Love you!

Anonymous said...

That looks like fun! You look good in your scrubs;)

Leslie said...

The girls looked to have a blast! How fun for them. You look so awesome Kimberly! Every new picture I see with you, you look better and better. Are you working out or something? You are probably just naturally hot right? ;)

Melissa said...

Hey Kim!!! I can't believe you read our blog! How did you find us? I've often wondered how you were doing! Now I can keep up with you! Are you a dental hygenist?