Thursday, October 23, 2008

The New Kimberly!!!

While in Arizona I had a wild hair and decided that I wanted to color my hair! I bought the product and Kelli was kind enough to do it for me!! I do not reccommend coloring your hair from home! You never know what your hair is actually going to look like!!! Kelli I do not blame you at all!! I definately needed to get it fixed up though! The wild hair continued and I decided that blonder and bangs would be fun!! So that is just what I did!!!


Kelli said...

Very super cute! I feel awful about your hair! I'm sorry it didn't work out better! Now you just need to go short! :)

JoAlice said...

Hey Hatch what you say about going short. :o) Kimberly the more I look, the more I like. Very cute!!! And yes, you would look super stylish in a skirt and matching jacket!!!!

Pancake said...

your hair looks great! HEY you, I found you through Lisa Borlands blog!

How are you doing???

Pam McEwen

Meagher said...

I love your hair, did you cut your bangs shorter? LOVE IT!!!!!