Little Miss has come down with something and did not feel good yesterday or today! It is never fun when little ones do not feel good! I remember not feeling well when I was younger but still wanted to do normal activities and always felt worse after doing so! Her fever is still around 100* hopefully it will break soon!! It is just not normal to be wearing a tank top and shorts to bed when it is freezing outside!! However, if it keeps her cool, I am all for it!!
I am glad her fever isn't too high. Hopefully she'll have a restful night (and so will you and Josh). She can stay in bed all day tomorrow!! Now that would be a great thing when it is cold outside!
Josh!! Holy cow, I came across your family's blog a few months ago and just showed Cody it today. I can't believe we found you! What have you been up to? (well, I suppose I'll just have to go read all the previous posts to find out, eh?) You have such an adorable family! Drop by our blog anytime, it'd be fun to catch up!
I hope she is feeling better!
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