I set out on a mission around 1:00 this afternoon to get our house clean!! I am happy to say that as of right now I am almost done!! Little did I know that I was going to turn a routine cleaning day into a deep cleaning day!! I put my handy dandy gloves on and went to work with a spray bottle full of bleach water!! I love, love, love a clean house!! Something about it makes me feel so relaxed and less stressed. I do not like the clutter of things all around! I was able to clean the kitchen, convection oven, drip pans, the 3 bathrooms, dining room, living room and our bedroom! I still have Hailey's room and the tv room to conquer!! I do not think I want to attempt that tonight!!
Since we have lived in this house, almost 2 years now I have never felt that it was really clean! There always seemed to be little things that I would notice but not have time to get to. Especially now that we have had mice running through our house, all I can think is ewwwwwwww! I need to scrub with bleach a little more often!! I was thinking of starting a "cleaning club" I know it sounds strange but at the same time sounds wonderful! I talked with my neighbor Robin and I mentioned going over to her house and helping clean and then in return she come over to our house. We would both get our houses straightened up before hand and then with the two of us together we could do some major cleaning!!! I was going to talk to a couple of other neighbors to see if they would be interested. Might be fun for one Saturday a month to get together at eachothers houses for an hour each cleaning..... Then afterwards reward our hard work with lunch or something fun!!! It would free up a lot of time to be able to spend with family!!
Welcome to our blog! We hope you come often and enjoy your stay! Leave a message so we know you have been here!
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Winter Is Back!!
I would like somebody to tell me how it goes from 80*s to Blizzard in 5 days.... Makes no sense to me at all!!
The neighbors thought it would be funny to shovel our driveway and put all the snow into a big pile... Little did they know that Josh was stuck down south and would be staying at a friends house for the night.... I thought it was funny that the joke was on them and now they would have to take care of the mound of snow... Which they did!! Thank you Ben and Shaun!!
The dogs loved playing outside!! The other dog in the picture is Tilda the St. Bernard that lives across the street. They love playing together!! Tilda likes to slobber a lot so they usually get baths after playing with her!!
My drive home from work was pretty uneventful until I hit black ice just around the block from the neighborhood!! I was scared to pieces and so grateful that there was no traffic around me because I am sure I would have hit somebody!! I was able to stop just in time.... There was a grassy drop off quickly approaching.... Yes I said a colorful word several times in a row because that is all I could get out... Sorry mom!!! However, I am safe and I am glad that I was not injured!!!

The neighbors thought it would be funny to shovel our driveway and put all the snow into a big pile... Little did they know that Josh was stuck down south and would be staying at a friends house for the night.... I thought it was funny that the joke was on them and now they would have to take care of the mound of snow... Which they did!! Thank you Ben and Shaun!!
The dogs loved playing outside!! The other dog in the picture is Tilda the St. Bernard that lives across the street. They love playing together!! Tilda likes to slobber a lot so they usually get baths after playing with her!!
My drive home from work was pretty uneventful until I hit black ice just around the block from the neighborhood!! I was scared to pieces and so grateful that there was no traffic around me because I am sure I would have hit somebody!! I was able to stop just in time.... There was a grassy drop off quickly approaching.... Yes I said a colorful word several times in a row because that is all I could get out... Sorry mom!!! However, I am safe and I am glad that I was not injured!!!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Cannot Wait For Summer!!
This is crazy... March 20th is not supposed to be 70 something degrees outside!! This is unheard of!! Hailey, Caiden (Little neighbor girl) and I went to Michaels earlier to get some silk flowers to put in the yard and flower box! Yes mom you inspired me to use silk plants since they hold up and look great for most of the year! Afterwards we went to Souper Salad and then off to the park. I had jeans on and I was roasting! On our way home I mentioned playing in the sprinkler.... WHOA!!! What a great idea! The girls had a great time out there in their suits playing in the water! Riya our other little neighbor girl came over to join in the fun!! I am so happy that they play so well together! 

Handy Man!!
Josh has certainly out done himself again!! When I got home from work yesterday I was on the phone with my mom and mentioned that Josh was making something in the garage! As I got closer I noticed that he was making a flower box to hang by the front window! I cannot believe how talented he is when it comes to making things. His imagination is amazing and he always seems to make it work! This flower box was no exception! I think it looks great! 

Josh also takes a lot of pride in how our yard looks, so here we are again the middle of March with the greenest yard on the street! I cannot believe how many neighbors comment on how it looks! It is quite comical driving down the street seeing brown every where and then come to our house and the grass is very green! I love it!!! 
Friday, March 20, 2009
What Would You Do?!?!?!
Josh, Hailey and I went to our favorite frozen yogurt place tonight! We stumbled upon this place about 2 weeks ago. For those of you who live out here in Aurora, the little cafe is located on Iliff and Peoria. It is called Not Just Yogurt! While we were driving up we noticed some comotion inside and watched as a young kid stole the tip jar right off the counter and book it out of there! I think we were all so stunned that it happened and we were not sure what to do! I have never seen anything like this before so I was very much caught off guard! We decided that we would still go inside and enjoy our frozen treat!! We talked with the owner and you could only imagine how shook up he was. Only for the mere fact that he was so upset at what had happened. He was grateful that a couple hours earlier he had emptied the tip jar into the register!! I do not understand what drives people to do such things to one another! The sad thing is he only got away with about $3.oo, I would hope he would just feel stupid... However, it may make him want to try for something bigger! Scary!
Tooth Fairy!!
In my spare time I enjoy dressing up as the tooth fairy and going to the elementary and preschools to talk to the kids about dental related topics... However, the kids always manage to get me laughing about some random thing they decide to say! The students always ask if I was the one who took their tooth or want to know why money was not left when they put their tooth under their pillow. Over the past couple of weeks I have talked to several students, about 1,000 so far... My throat is a little sore from talking non stop! But certainly worth it! I thought I would enclose a little picture, I know my eyes are closed and it is a little fuzzy.... I will have to get a better one!!!
Some Of My Favorite Patients!!!
I was more than thrilled when Carmen and Eliza came to visit me at the dental office to get their teeth clean!! I think they were even more excited to see me there. I was greeted with wonderful hugs!! I have known Carmen for almost 7 years. My mom used to babysit her when she was younger! I cannot believe it was that long ago!! They are such cuties!!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
What A Treat!!
Kevin got into town on Monday evening and it has been such a treat to be able to spend time with him. His company is working on a church building here in Commerce City and I got to go out to the site to pick him up today!! I had such a good time being able to visit with him and to catch up on all that is going on. I am excited that he will be coming up several more times while his crew is working on the job. Thanks Kevin for all the yummy meal treats!! I know that Hailey had a great time with you last night at Chili's!!! We look forward to seeing you soon!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Blast To The Past.....!
For some very strange reason my mind started to wander while I was doing some mindless projects at work today... I started to think about how tv used to be and all the shows I loved to watch! Here is the list I came up with.....
Rescue 911
Fresh Prince
Full House
Saved By The Bell
Family Matters
The Wonder Years
Out Of This World
Step By Step
Double Dare
Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego
The Cosby Show
Punky Brewster
Small Wonder, etc...
While thinking of all these shows I loved as a child and teenager... As cheesy as they were I wish that shows like these were still on tv. I cannot believe how much television has changed over the years! I know these shows do not compare to Andy Griffith, Love Boat, Mash, Giligans Island, etc.... However, they were good shows and at least most of the time had something good to learn from them!! What were your childhood shows you liked to watch???
Rescue 911
Fresh Prince
Full House
Saved By The Bell
Family Matters
The Wonder Years
Out Of This World
Step By Step
Double Dare
Where In The World Is Carmen San Diego
The Cosby Show
Punky Brewster
Small Wonder, etc...
While thinking of all these shows I loved as a child and teenager... As cheesy as they were I wish that shows like these were still on tv. I cannot believe how much television has changed over the years! I know these shows do not compare to Andy Griffith, Love Boat, Mash, Giligans Island, etc.... However, they were good shows and at least most of the time had something good to learn from them!! What were your childhood shows you liked to watch???
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Jax and Dakoters!!
Jax and Dakota love to take baths! Dakota loves to drink the water and she also enjoys licking Jax clean! I actually enjoy giving the dogs baths because they smell so great when we are all done! The only thing that I am not a fan of is the shaking of the coat to get the water off! I always come prepared with a towel to cover myself. I think they are so adorable all soaking wet!!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Confessions Of A Dental Assistant.....!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Where Does It Go...?
I have oftened wondered where time has gone... I remember when I was younger people always told me, wait until you are older then time will really seem to fly....! Wow! I cannot believe that first of all 2009 is already here, but that March is now under way! I feel as though every time I blink several months pass by without me realizing it!
This year has been no exception. I cannot believe that Hailey will be turning 7 next month.... My goodness, was it really 5 years ago that I met her at her grandmas house wearing tights with stripes and a purple shirt? Was it really over 6 years ago that Josh and I met at the lake? Have I really lived in Colorado for 9 years? Have I not lived close to family for over 4 years?
Everything around me is changing and I cannot stop time to take it all in! I cannot believe that nieces and nephews are getting so big and I am not there to see it happening!! Thank you Kelli for all the wonderful pictures and wonderful blogs!! I love watching you kids grow up and talking to them on the phone it means so much to me! Thanks to a little web site known as facebook I am now able to see friends of mine from years ago... Going as far back to when I was a young girl.... Incredible!
I guess it goes to prove that every moment must be savored and not taken for granted!!
This year has been no exception. I cannot believe that Hailey will be turning 7 next month.... My goodness, was it really 5 years ago that I met her at her grandmas house wearing tights with stripes and a purple shirt? Was it really over 6 years ago that Josh and I met at the lake? Have I really lived in Colorado for 9 years? Have I not lived close to family for over 4 years?
Everything around me is changing and I cannot stop time to take it all in! I cannot believe that nieces and nephews are getting so big and I am not there to see it happening!! Thank you Kelli for all the wonderful pictures and wonderful blogs!! I love watching you kids grow up and talking to them on the phone it means so much to me! Thanks to a little web site known as facebook I am now able to see friends of mine from years ago... Going as far back to when I was a young girl.... Incredible!
I guess it goes to prove that every moment must be savored and not taken for granted!!
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