Saturday, March 28, 2009


I set out on a mission around 1:00 this afternoon to get our house clean!! I am happy to say that as of right now I am almost done!! Little did I know that I was going to turn a routine cleaning day into a deep cleaning day!! I put my handy dandy gloves on and went to work with a spray bottle full of bleach water!! I love, love, love a clean house!! Something about it makes me feel so relaxed and less stressed. I do not like the clutter of things all around! I was able to clean the kitchen, convection oven, drip pans, the 3 bathrooms, dining room, living room and our bedroom! I still have Hailey's room and the tv room to conquer!! I do not think I want to attempt that tonight!!

Since we have lived in this house, almost 2 years now I have never felt that it was really clean! There always seemed to be little things that I would notice but not have time to get to. Especially now that we have had mice running through our house, all I can think is ewwwwwwww! I need to scrub with bleach a little more often!! I was thinking of starting a "cleaning club" I know it sounds strange but at the same time sounds wonderful! I talked with my neighbor Robin and I mentioned going over to her house and helping clean and then in return she come over to our house. We would both get our houses straightened up before hand and then with the two of us together we could do some major cleaning!!! I was going to talk to a couple of other neighbors to see if they would be interested. Might be fun for one Saturday a month to get together at eachothers houses for an hour each cleaning..... Then afterwards reward our hard work with lunch or something fun!!! It would free up a lot of time to be able to spend with family!!


Leslie said...

Oh my gosh, I would LOVE that idea. I just recently on Friday went through my house with a toothbrush and some bleach so your post was funny to read! Our house was a foreclosure and, even though it was in good condition, there were corners in the bathrooms where mildew was growing. SO gross. I never got around to scrubbing it. I tried cleaners but nothing worked. FINALLY I grabbed a tooth brush and some bleach and voila! Mildew gone. It felt so good.

I am with you. I love a clean house. It makes me happy and puts me in a good/relaxed mood. I usually work hard to get it clean by the weekends but come Monday it is trashed again!

Kimberly Giardino said...

Oh yes I know my clean untouched house is only a brief moment of satisfaction!!!

JoAlice said...

I love your idea Kimberly. Make sure your windows are open when you are using a lot of bleach! :o)