Sunday, August 23, 2009

Gearing Up!!!

Josh and I have been very blessed with friends around us who no longer need their baby gear!! Our neighbor a couple houses down moved and no longer wanted their crib!! Josh and our neighbor brought it upstairs to the room/ nursery tonight!! Very different having crib in a room of ours! Also the twins mom gave me their changing table which needs refinishing but will look wonderful once complete!! Several months ago I was helping a friend pack up and move to California, she has twin girls and had saved ALL of their baby clothes! She allowed me to take home bags and bags and bags of clothes! Many of them I have passed on to friends and family but managed to keep quite a collection!! She also let me have the baby bedding set.... We shall see if we end up using it!! It all depends on what we are having!!! If it is a boy, there will be a lot more baby girl items being given out!!!

The room will be repainted for a fresher look!! Lots of ideas!!

1 comment:

Alicia said...

That's so awesome! The only reason we had anything was all the baby gear that Stacy let us use and all the clothes some friends gave us. That baby stuff is not cheap.