Saturday, August 8, 2009

I Have Had It....!

With these dogs!!! Yes it is true we found them and they came home last night and yet again they have taken off!! I am so done with this!!!! Especially Dakota.... Not only did she eat all the granola bars in my purse last night she also ate a headband that Haiely's dear friend Kaiden brought back from Texas (Hailey does not know it was devoured!) This takes the cake..... She managed to bust open by chewing vigerously on the bottle my pre-natal vitamins!!! AGGGGHHHH!!!!!! Apparently she thought she needed them!!! And now they are gone!!! UGH!


JoAlice said...

I can only say, "oh my gosh!"
They are truly rebelling against something. :o)

Alicia said...

Oh wow. That is so funny. I just love this whole story about the dogs. I'm sure it's not nearly as comical to you as it is to the rest of us though.

Leslie said...

I hope you find them and that they are okay and safe! I'd be so sad! My dogs got out once and it was terrifying for me. How frustrating!