Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Where Does It Go...?

I have oftened wondered where time has gone... I remember when I was younger people always told me, wait until you are older then time will really seem to fly....! Wow! I cannot believe that first of all 2009 is already here, but that March is now under way! I feel as though every time I blink several months pass by without me realizing it!

This year has been no exception. I cannot believe that Hailey will be turning 7 next month.... My goodness, was it really 5 years ago that I met her at her grandmas house wearing tights with stripes and a purple shirt? Was it really over 6 years ago that Josh and I met at the lake? Have I really lived in Colorado for 9 years? Have I not lived close to family for over 4 years?

Everything around me is changing and I cannot stop time to take it all in! I cannot believe that nieces and nephews are getting so big and I am not there to see it happening!! Thank you Kelli for all the wonderful pictures and wonderful blogs!! I love watching you kids grow up and talking to them on the phone it means so much to me! Thanks to a little web site known as facebook I am now able to see friends of mine from years ago... Going as far back to when I was a young girl.... Incredible!

I guess it goes to prove that every moment must be savored and not taken for granted!!


JoAlice said...

Very good post Kimberly. Sorry you are not physically near family. The good thing is you are in a great state where there is a lot to enjoy! If time has gone by this fast for you, it must be true what they say.....time flies when you're having fun!

Kelli said...

Well we miss you that is for sure! Thank you for the post. I will do better at getting more pictures up. I have some recent ones of Matilyn.