Friday, August 28, 2009

Fun At Work!!!

Who do you call when Mc. Gruff the crime dog calls and says he cannot make it to back to school night..... Your friendly Tooth Fairy!!! Yes, that is correct, I was second best to Mc. Gruff!! I had a school call me last week to see if I could dress up as the tooth fairy for the kiddos!! I think it is funny that they would think of me but very honored at the same time! This is a pre-school that I have been to a couple of times so I was good enough to be invited back!! We had all sorts of great give aways and the kids loved it!! I hope you enjoy the pictures!! Especially the one with me little belly!!! Please do not send word out that the Tooth Fairy is pregnant!!! We do not want to explain that one to our children!!


Kelli said...

I think you've found your calling in life. That's awesome.

Jen said...

That is very cute!

Amber said...

How fun! It looks like the kids loved having you there!