I had quite the little surprise at work today! Hailey came to visit me! Josh had to go into work and I have been working on a project that kept me longer than anticipated!! So Hailey was able to come hang out!! She did all sorts of fun things while at the office!! One of which was playing dentist!! She loved this!! We

dressed h

er for the part! She loved it!

Hailey had a blast riding up and down on the chair, squirting water into her mouth and learning about all the fun things I get to do while at work!! She also helped me decorate my opp by drawing some beautiful picutes to hang on my wall!! She also drew a picture for one of my coworkers!! Since Hailey was such a big help to me for being so patient with all I was doing I took her to toys r us so that she could pick out a toy!! She was in heaven!! Turned out to be a fantastic day!!
Watch out! A couple more "role playing" days at the dentist office and she can apply for your job! Very cute pictures. Did Hailey get her pink cowboy hat???
She is so cute!!! Its nice to know I am not the only one that carries my camera everywhere I go.
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