About a month ago as I was leaving work I noticed a couple of police cars in our office parking lot and a lot of people standing around!! I did not think much of the sight, all I wanted to do was get home and unwind from a crazy day!! A couple of my coworkers were already out in the parking lot and they saw me coming... "KIM, hurry!!" I said, "Did someone steal my car, thinking I would have been lucky!!!" As I got closer I realized that someone had smashed in my passanger window!! The crazy thing is the little @&$%& took absolutely nothing!!! There were two other vehicles close to mine that were also broken into.... However, they were not as lucky as I was because some of their things had been stolen!!! The cops think they were some teenagers out for a little thrill and a good time!! That was a no brainer.... It is not as if there were 3 elderly patients from the memory loss facility right down the street (Bob's next home, so he claims) I could just see them on the motorized scooters with bed pan's in their hands!! Got one, got two, got three.... Come on Eugine that is enough windows for the afternoon, Ethel has dinner on the table and I need to get home!! Maybe we can finish tomorrow!!! Of course it was teenagers!!!! Thankfully my boss allowed me to use her vehicle over the weekend until my window was able to get fixed!!! Knock on wood this is the only big thing that has

ever happened to a vehicle of mine and I was not even in the car!! I now try to avoid parking in between big vehicles!!
You just make me laugh! I printed out your newest message and read it to Bob. He really thinks you should get into standup comedy!
Kimberly that is horrible!! but what to make light of the situation!! You crack me up and I agree with your mom. Totally go into stand up... TRUE STORY
It's a good thing your blog is funny to people. If it weren't for us having kids I don't think I'd get many views. You'll have to ask Mom about Ethan's comments about my pants. I'm glad nothing other than your window was damaged.
Yikes! I am glad it was just your window but STILL, what a nightmare!
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