Josh and I were married January 14, 2006 and we are currently living in Colorado!! I have been here since July of 2000 and have loved every minute of it!! Josh moved here in 2002 from Rapid City, SD! Colorado is such a beautiful state and I cannot complain abo
ut the weather!! Much better than Arizona! However, last winter was quite the adventure... We had a blizzard a couple weeks before Christmas and the snow decided that it would make a weekly appearance every Friday and Saturday for the next 7 weeks! The snow at our condo did not melt until March!! That was quite the site. Coors Field ended up being a dumping ground for alot of the snow in Denver. My car got stuck in the parking lot at work so one of my coworkers drove me home. By day 2 actually not even day 2 I got serious cabin fever.. Josh did not feel well so he was most content laying on the couch playing halo.... which I should say he has conquered Halo 1 and 2 and is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Halo 3!!! I decided I would walk to the gas station with my back pack and get him some soup!! I also picked up a few other staples... Dr. Pepper. All sidewalks were under a complete blanket of snow so I braved the streets... Hoping that the cars coming by would slow d
own so the splashback was not as intense! Surprisingly, I only slipped a couple of times however, I managed to keep my balance and stay grounded! It is a little difficult to carry a backpack full of goods especially when one of them is a gallon of milk!!! I got back home did some stuff around the condo and then went stir crazy again.... Josh had to work in the morning and his car was burried under 4ft of snow.... YIKES!!! We had no snow shovel and the city was shut down..... I had a brilliant idea.... I was going to dig it out with a dust pan..... Yup that is right a handy dandy dust pan.... It worked like magic!! I wish I had the pictures to prove it!!!
Josh's birthday is in Ocotber and last year I had a cake custom made for him!!! I do not know how I am going to top it this year!! Like I said previously, Josh enjoys playing Halo.... Boys night out!!! Child's Pasteries makes the most amazing cakes ever.... For those of you familiar with X
-Box, you will get a kick out of this.... Josh loved the cake, I was quite happy as well!! We had a party at a restaurant downtown and I took the cake earlier that day so it was there when we arrived!!! Probably the one and only time I was able to keep a secret!! Christmas and Birthdays always seem to happen a week earlier because I get too excited!!!
Josh and I keep ourselves fairly busy!!! Josh is a courier at Fed Ex and I am a Pediatric Dental Assistant!! All day long I clean the little sugar bugs of little kids teeth!! I do enjoy working with all the little ones!! Especially when I receive thank you cards from my patients or pictures they have drawn.... They are so proud of their work!
Josh and I also keep ourselves busy with his little 5 year old daughter Hailey!! She is such a delight and so fun to have around our house! It is nice to hear the pitter patter of little feet running on the hardwood floors on the weekends!! Breaks up our daily routines!! She is a little firecracker and is always on the go!! She always
wants to know how many more days until she gets to come back and visit!! Hailey started Kindergarten this year and loves every minute of it. She started 2 weeks ago and when she came over on Wednesday after school the first thing she said was "Lets play school" we learned all about stop signs and how to raise our hand when we wanted to ask or answer a question.... She certainly was not afraid to send us to the pricipals office if we got out of line! She lines up all of her stuffed animals on the couch so they can also be active participants. Hailey and I enjoy dancing to the cha cha slide!! Dad stands by and watches, probably hoping the song will end on the next note (the song lasts about 5 min) Hailey insists that we play it again!!!
Well there you have it.... A small little glimpse into our lives. Believe me this is all to be continued!!! It seems as though there are not many dull moments here in beautiful Colorado!!
Gorgeous Rainbow!! Congratulations on joining in the blogging hooplah! Look!! I use (!!!) just like you do! I look forward to being updated by the Giardino and Hatch Blogs! :o)
(This may be signed as "Ma" since that is how I sign on the Hatch Blog)
Welcome aboard fellow blogger! I live to inspire, which inspires me to live! I know cheesy! Anyhow, welcome to blogging. It's addicting.
Kimberly I loved that cake you had made for Josh.. I am going to have to research someone here to do that for Brants birthday in December. Thanks for the fun reading I love your house its so beautiful. I will make sure and add you to our neighborhood of friends and family on our blogsite. Love and miss you...
I don't know if you read your comments from way back when, but I'm glad to read more about you and your cute family. Colorado sounds gorgeous - ty had 2 siblings that live in Denver and Boulder. Someday we'll get to visit.
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