For all of you who know me... Hopefully if you are reading our blog you do know us, even if it is through your friends mothers cousins husbands sister-in-laws dog breeder.... Know that I love to think random thoughts and I do not hessitate to share.... Sometimes they make sense other times you are left scratching your head, myseld included!! Here is my attempt to share yet another random thought!!
I have come to the conclusion that a job is like a good pair of jeans!!! You may try on many and they may fit you well in certain areas however they may not work so well in others... You all know where!! I want the perfect job!! I want it to fit me well all over!!! I do not want it to fit me well in the hips but pucker out at my waist! I do not want it to fit me at the waist but not at the hips... UGH I could go on forever about the different shapes of women and jeans!! I am sure we have all been there!! So needless to say I am on the hunt for the perfect pair of jeans!! Or maybe I will just settle for a cute new pair of shoes... They are much easier to shop for!!!!
Okay...I gather from this that you want a great pair of jeans that fit you all over, however...are you wanting to look for a new job? I'm confused...but be nice to the pregnant girl.
Kimberly...we learned on Oprah that if they fit you in the hips, butt and thighs but not waist...alterations is the key. Your perfect pair of jeans may already be in your closet and just a few stitches away!
Just be thankful you can fit into jeans. Not sure about kelli but I am in pregnancy clothes full on now. Butt is HUGE. I love Lucky Jeans they have always fit the best. And when you buy them at buckle they do free alterations.
Okay Carley...yes I am in maternity. I can fit into a couple regulars with the help of long shirts and rubberbands, but they can only stay on for 3 hours tops, then its "strip down" time. If I had the money to shop for maternity...that is all I'd be me!
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