Here we are at almost 37 weeks! Baby is healthy and moving like crazy!!! I had a checkup today and was told I am 50% efaced.... Sorry if I spelled that wrong!! Colton's head is very far down and he is in launch position!! The doctor estimated Colton being as big as 9lbs! I know it can go either way but that is a whole lot of love!!! I will continue to keep you all posted!
9lbs is GREAT many are convinced that bigger babies sleep better. from my experience it's true. Andrew was smaller and didn't really sleep good until he hit about 10lbs. Ben was 9.5 lbs and was a great sleeper from the start! And just because he may be big, doesn't mean he'll be harder to deliver either. it's all the head:)Good Luck! You're almost there!!!
All I can say is we're so excited! It's amazing what can happen in 9 months isn't it??
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