Welcome to our blog! We hope you come often and enjoy your stay! Leave a message so we know you have been here!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Mommy Advice!!!
I am asking all of you moms new, experienced or well seasoned for any advice you can give me! This is your chance to hold nothing back!!! Anything from sleep advice, nursing, mommy time, etc..... Please I ask of you to leave a comment!! I really want to learn all I can and what better way than through family and friends!! Thank you!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Colton's Bedding!!!

I have so many things to blog about, however, I will when I have a spare moment!!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Baby Colton's Room!!
The secret is out..... Little boy Giardino will be known as Colton Alexander!!! We love it!! I am so amazed at the job Josh did on his room!!! He has some talent!!! I cannot wait to fill it up with all the decorations!! That will be awhile but enjoy the pictures of the room!! 

Christmas Lights!!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I went to my 31 week check today and everything is going well! Baby and I got a clean bill of health! Our little man may be here before February and if I had my way that would be the case! I am measuring at 33 weeks which is a couple of weeks a head of schedule!! I have another check in 2 weeks and possibly another ultrasound down the road to make sure we are not dealing with a 10 pound baby!! Doctors words not mine!!! In the meantime I am slowly feeling a little more uncomfortable, but tolerable! I am very excited to be going to AZ in a couple of weeks to see family and friends that I have not seen in quite some time!
Stayed tuned, I have more to post, like Josh putting the Christmas lights up and the outcome of him painting the babies room!!! He has outdone himself on this task!!! However, it may be a couple days before I get pictures of the finished product!!!
Stayed tuned, I have more to post, like Josh putting the Christmas lights up and the outcome of him painting the babies room!!! He has outdone himself on this task!!! However, it may be a couple days before I get pictures of the finished product!!!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
30 Weeks and Counting!!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Stress Has Gone Away!!!
I have kept some of the pregnancy experience on the down low but I am finally ready to share my thoughts!! At 12 weeks I went in for my tri-screen ultrasound to check for any signs of down syndrome or any other concerns that there may be! I did the ulrasound mainly because I wanted to see how he was developing! After my screen I was called into my doctors office because they found some markers on the baby that were linked to downs. They drew some blood from me and as expected it came back saying I had a 1 in 30 chance of having a baby with downs. At my 20 week ultrasound they found another marker on his heart called a EIF that is also linked to downs. I decided to go and see a specialist to find out what I could and he told me that the baby looked ok, however, there was still fluid on his neck (more than normal) However, not enough. He then said I was still a high risk because of my other test results. Another ultrasound at my regular OB was done again and I was told the spot on his heart was still there and the fluid was getting bigger..... Can I just say what a nightmare this was becoming! I was prepared to raise whatever child I was given, down syndrome or no down syndrome and it would not make a difference. Over the past several weeks I have researched all I could about down syndrome and learned what I could! Josh and I decided that we were going to do the amnio, well I decided for us! I had my appointment on Wednesday and they took the necessary fluid to send to the lab..... Today I got the call saying that everything was just fine! For the last 29 weeks I have been a wreck on the inside! We miscarried about 2 years ago and from the get go with this little guy I have not felt great and I have had my fair share of appointments so I was beginning to feel very stressed! For the first time in months I am finally able to smile and be excited and not have to worry about waiting for answers!! We have them and now we can concentrate on getting him here safe and sound!!! Thank you to those who knew for your multiple prayers and words of encouragement!! They meant so much to us!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Beautiful Boy!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009
28 Weeks and Counting!!
Here we are at 28 weeks, or 29 by the way he is measuring!! Just thought I would give you all a belly shot!! I really need to have someone start taking these for me!! 
I am sure these next several weeks he is going to get much bigger!! I will enjoy being small while it lasts!! However, I do not feel so small!! My belly button still has not popped out which is great!! He is still moving like crazy which is great!! I have another ultrasound on Wednesday so there will be some new pictures to post!!
I am sure these next several weeks he is going to get much bigger!! I will enjoy being small while it lasts!! However, I do not feel so small!! My belly button still has not popped out which is great!! He is still moving like crazy which is great!! I have another ultrasound on Wednesday so there will be some new pictures to post!!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Free Give Away!!!
http://kellis-thisandthat.blogspot.com/2009/11/happier-you-tip-10-bling-it-on.html?showComment=1258172399906#c1473887970986518953 My sister has a this and that blog is giving away an adorable necklace!! Check it out!
Monday, November 9, 2009
My Fear Came True!!!
Well it finally happened.... I always wondered what it would be like and now I know!! I know what it is like to be driving and throw up!!! I was not able to pull off the side of the road because of traffic, so I grabbed a grocery bag and the rest is history! The only bad part was there was a small hole, lukcy for me it was not a lot! Also lucky I was on my way to work and I had extra scrubs there!! What a great morning!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Welcome To.....

Monday, November 2, 2009
Time, Time, Time!!!!
Back on July 21st I was so excited to be announcing that I had less than 200 days to go until our little munchkin arrives.... Today it is with great excitement that I let you all know we are now less than 100 days away!! Wow, this is going so fast!!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween and Other Happenings!
I had another ultrasound on Wednesday but they are unable to figure out why there has been so much pain on my right side! It may just be where he is choosing to lay! He is quite the active little guy! With such a little personality already! I do have pictures from my drs visit that I will post once I get them scanned! My doctor called to go over results with me on some things we have been monitoring with him and I asked him how big he was, he said he is now a whopping 1 pound 14 ounces!! He is getting big!!
Last Tuesday night it began snowing and snowed until Thursday evening!! We got about 15 inches at our house! Nothing like getting a halloween costume just to have it covered by a big jacket!! Oh well, we do not mind the snow!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Weekend Road Trip!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Dr's Appointment!!
I am happy to report that the baby and I received a clean bill of health today!! Babies heartbeat is going good and strong! I was thrilled that Josh was able to go with me to this appointment today and have some questions answered by the doctor.... Ones that I have not been able to explain properly! Everything is looking good! I have a cyst on one of my ovaries so I will be going in for another ultrasound next Wednesday!! I guess that means more baby pics to post soon!!! The cyst is ok, just causing alot of pain, they want to check if it has grown since my 20 week scan! We shall see!!! Baby is moving like CRAZY!!! I love to feel him, however, it makes me jump every now and then because I am not expecting it, or he got me really good!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Kids Say The Darndest Things!!!!
I was working with a little 5 year old patient yesterday who was being extremely difficult during her cleaning, however, managed to get her all taken care of!! I needed to get x-rays on her so I took her into the other room to complete the task at hand! I bent over so I could talk to her face to face and told her my rules for taking pictures!! I told her I have a baby in my tummy so she cannot kick, scream or push my hands away! It seemed to do the trick! Before I started taking her pictures I grabbed a couple of pills for a headache that has been lingering! She asked me what I was doing and I told her I was taking medicine for my head since it hurt.... She then proceeded to ask me if I thought the baby had gone up to my head!! Oh my goodness I laughed so hard to myself!! So funny!!!!
While taking a drink of water several weeks ago a little boy asked if I was watering the baby so he would grow!!! HAHAHA!! I love working with these kiddos! You never know what they will say next!
While taking a drink of water several weeks ago a little boy asked if I was watering the baby so he would grow!!! HAHAHA!! I love working with these kiddos! You never know what they will say next!
Friday, October 16, 2009
24 Weeks!!!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Delicious Queso Dip!!!
Great for parties!!! (Hint Hint Kelli, football Sunday's)
Brown 1lb of hamburger in skillet
Seperate Sauce Pan (Large)
1 can red enchilada sauce
2 cans refried beans
2 cups salsa
1 can sliced olives
Velveeta cheese to thinken and for taste
Mix hamburger in with rest of ingredients and eat with chips!!! I personally liked the scoops with it!! Very yummy!!
Brown 1lb of hamburger in skillet
Seperate Sauce Pan (Large)
1 can red enchilada sauce
2 cans refried beans
2 cups salsa
1 can sliced olives
Velveeta cheese to thinken and for taste
Mix hamburger in with rest of ingredients and eat with chips!!! I personally liked the scoops with it!! Very yummy!!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Pumpkin Launching!!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pretty sure I am ready for a warm tropical vacation!!!! Today we broke a record here in Denver for the coldest October 10th in the history..... A whopping 25 degrees!! I am patiently waiting for this little guy to make me 10 degrees warmer.... Any time now little guy!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Today while doing various things I found myself thinking about how our lives are going to be changing in the next few months! With friends of mine who are finishing their journey of being pregnant and seeing the overwhelming joy a new baby brings.... I cannot help but think of our little boy! For nearly 20 weeks I was expecting to be told that we would be having a little baby girl, I am not sure why but that is how I felt! However, knowing in the back of my mind I was probably wrong! Well as you all know we are having a baby boy!! Let me first start by saying in my mind now, I cannot imagine having it any other way! I am so excited to be having a little boy! I think I am even more excited for Josh!! When my patients come to the dental office I now immediately zero in on the little boys, I love to watch everything about them! What makes them happy, what they are willing to try, what cupboards they are going to open, how long before they realize they can make the chair go up and down, etc....! I just cannot help but be excited!!
There certainly has been a rash of baby boys born in our family! My cousin and his wife welcomed a baby boy about 5 months ago, my brother and his wife welcomed a baby boy about 2 months ago, my cousin and her husband welcomed a baby boy just over a month ago, my cousin and her husband just welcomed a baby not to long ago, and my other cousin will have a baby boy in November!! Whew!!
So here is to 3 1/2 more months of patiently waiting!! I cannot wait to meet him!!
There certainly has been a rash of baby boys born in our family! My cousin and his wife welcomed a baby boy about 5 months ago, my brother and his wife welcomed a baby boy about 2 months ago, my cousin and her husband welcomed a baby boy just over a month ago, my cousin and her husband just welcomed a baby not to long ago, and my other cousin will have a baby boy in November!! Whew!!
So here is to 3 1/2 more months of patiently waiting!! I cannot wait to meet him!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Enchilada Soup
This is such an easy recipie and so yummy, especially for the cooler weather!! If you do try this out, I would love to hear what you think about it!!
3-4 chicken breasts
2 cans chicken broth
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can El Pato
1 Packet of enchilada seasoning
2 cans homine (White Corn)
2 cans hot chili beans
Velveeta cheese (1/2 a block)
Onion (To taste)
Flour tortillas on top
Mix all of these ingredients into a crock pot and let it cook all day! You can add crushed chips on top when you serve also you can add cheese, sour cream, etc... Or eat plain!! I promise it is really good!! Let me know!! Happy cooking!
3-4 chicken breasts
2 cans chicken broth
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can El Pato
1 Packet of enchilada seasoning
2 cans homine (White Corn)
2 cans hot chili beans
Velveeta cheese (1/2 a block)
Onion (To taste)
Flour tortillas on top
Mix all of these ingredients into a crock pot and let it cook all day! You can add crushed chips on top when you serve also you can add cheese, sour cream, etc... Or eat plain!! I promise it is really good!! Let me know!! Happy cooking!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
This little boy has been so active today!! I finally decided to lay on my back and see if I could actually see any movement in my belly...... To my surprise... Yes, I could finally see him moving!! Not only can I feel him, I can see his movements! Happy day! I am sure he will be moving a lot more once the lemonade I drank makes it to him!!! I just thought I would share that!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Taste of Fall!!
I am so excited that Fall is finally here! Leaves are beginning to change colors and fall off the trees!! Love it! I am excited to start baking all the yummy fall deserts I love so much!! YUMMY!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
What is All This?!?!?
I know some of you are still roasting in California and Arizona so please by all means do not take this as a brag...... Yesterday was the last day of summer and can you believe that it SNOWED!!! Holy Buckets!!! I was quite shocked but I loved it!! I love that it did not stick to the ground!! Hang in there everyone..... Your cooler days are around the corner!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Our Baby Boy!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Baby's First Letter!!!
Dear Family and Friends of my daddy, mommy and big sisters blog!
First I would like to say thank you for keeping up with our family. There have been many changes this year.... Next years changes will consist of my diapers! I feel I must tell you that I have been very comfortable here in my mommy's womb, very dark, warm, sometimes quite, I get to do what I do best.... Grow, grow, grow, sleep and make mommy sick. I am sorry about that last one, however, she handles it so well! I am beginning to move around quite a bit as I need to strech and kick and figure out what these things are hanging off my body.... I am told they are called arms and legs!! My favorite piece of these are my thumbs!! They tell me around this stage of growth I am beginning to suck on them! Yummy!
Mommy has been eating some pretty yummy food lately, however, I am sure quick to let her know what I do not like! Sorry daddy, your breakfast burritos are not bad they just do not sit well right now! I sure am excited to meet my daddy, I hear him mumble things to mommy and it makes her laugh really hard, he must be pretty funny! Maybe I will have his personality! I am also really excited to meet my big sister Hailey!! I hear she has 3 little sisters already and loves helping with them, playing with them and making them laugh!!! I think we are going to get along really well!!
I am excited to meet my grandma's and grandpa's!! Pappy also makes mommy laugh when he is on the phone with her , he must be pretty silly!! I am excited to meet Ma, I hear she likes to spoil the grandkids!! Maybe I will get to spend lots of time at their house in sunny San Diego!! I am also really excited to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa.... Mommy calls them Nana and Grandpa!! They call mommy to check up on her to see how she is feeling!! Her voice always sounds so happy when she is on the phone with them! They must be really special to her! Daddy's family is really funny just like him! I am excited to meet them! They all got to go camping and had such a great time! I enjoyed the yummy ribs Aunt Jenny made and the amazing corn on the cob!!
I am really excited to meet all of my Uncles, Aunts, and cousins!! I have lots of cousins! Lots of kids for me to play with!! Even though I am going to be one of the youngest I know I will love playing with all of them!! I am really excited to meet Aunt Kelli, she sounds like she is such a great aunt!!! Mommy loves reading her blog and watching all the funny videos that she posts!! I know she watches them several times, I hear her laughing!! Then she calls daddy and Hailey into the room just so she can watch them again!
I am especially excited to meet my mommy!! I do not know who is more excited me or her!! I think it is a toss up!! I know she has been waiting for me for a long time!! I know I will be everything she ever wanted and more!!
The more I write this letter the more excited I am getting to come and meet all of you!! I think daddy and mommy have the best family and the best friends and I know I am going to be very loved!!! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter!!! I am excited about February!! Mommy will continue to give you all updates!! Lots of hugs!!
Baby Boy Giardino
First I would like to say thank you for keeping up with our family. There have been many changes this year.... Next years changes will consist of my diapers! I feel I must tell you that I have been very comfortable here in my mommy's womb, very dark, warm, sometimes quite, I get to do what I do best.... Grow, grow, grow, sleep and make mommy sick. I am sorry about that last one, however, she handles it so well! I am beginning to move around quite a bit as I need to strech and kick and figure out what these things are hanging off my body.... I am told they are called arms and legs!! My favorite piece of these are my thumbs!! They tell me around this stage of growth I am beginning to suck on them! Yummy!
Mommy has been eating some pretty yummy food lately, however, I am sure quick to let her know what I do not like! Sorry daddy, your breakfast burritos are not bad they just do not sit well right now! I sure am excited to meet my daddy, I hear him mumble things to mommy and it makes her laugh really hard, he must be pretty funny! Maybe I will have his personality! I am also really excited to meet my big sister Hailey!! I hear she has 3 little sisters already and loves helping with them, playing with them and making them laugh!!! I think we are going to get along really well!!
I am excited to meet my grandma's and grandpa's!! Pappy also makes mommy laugh when he is on the phone with her , he must be pretty silly!! I am excited to meet Ma, I hear she likes to spoil the grandkids!! Maybe I will get to spend lots of time at their house in sunny San Diego!! I am also really excited to meet Great Grandma and Grandpa.... Mommy calls them Nana and Grandpa!! They call mommy to check up on her to see how she is feeling!! Her voice always sounds so happy when she is on the phone with them! They must be really special to her! Daddy's family is really funny just like him! I am excited to meet them! They all got to go camping and had such a great time! I enjoyed the yummy ribs Aunt Jenny made and the amazing corn on the cob!!
I am really excited to meet all of my Uncles, Aunts, and cousins!! I have lots of cousins! Lots of kids for me to play with!! Even though I am going to be one of the youngest I know I will love playing with all of them!! I am really excited to meet Aunt Kelli, she sounds like she is such a great aunt!!! Mommy loves reading her blog and watching all the funny videos that she posts!! I know she watches them several times, I hear her laughing!! Then she calls daddy and Hailey into the room just so she can watch them again!
I am especially excited to meet my mommy!! I do not know who is more excited me or her!! I think it is a toss up!! I know she has been waiting for me for a long time!! I know I will be everything she ever wanted and more!!
The more I write this letter the more excited I am getting to come and meet all of you!! I think daddy and mommy have the best family and the best friends and I know I am going to be very loved!!! Thank you for taking the time to read my letter!!! I am excited about February!! Mommy will continue to give you all updates!! Lots of hugs!!
Baby Boy Giardino
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Where Are You Growing?!?!
Oh little one where are you growing... My belly is not getting big by any means, not that I am complaining.... Maybe you are growing in mommy's bottom, hips and thighs... Or maybe there are two of you and you are growing in mommy's chest.... Oh little one! I know I am going to wake up one day and realize my belly is in fact much larger, but for now (pardon the pun) I will wonder where you are?!?!?

I like what this whole pregnancy is doing to my hair!!
I like what this whole pregnancy is doing to my hair!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Tiny Hands and Tiny Feet!!
I could be wrong and I have been holding off for awhile to post anything but for the past few days I am pretty sure I have felt some kicks and possibly punches! Nothing to extreme just different feelings! However, very exciting ones!
I grew up in Arizona where the temperature is always hot!! Well technically November-March are pretty decent! Perfect actually! However, today in Denver we are right around 50 something degrees with a light rain.... Hard for me to put my head around the fact that most of my family has temps about 50 degrees warmer than ours!! Hang in there you guys, cooler weather will be here soon!
Friday, September 11, 2009
8 Years Ago!!!
I cannot believe it was eight years ago that our country was attacked by such cowards! I will always remember what I was doing, where I was going and how scared I was the night after it happened! I hope we never forget those who gave their lives and those whose lives were taken from them!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Random Thinking...!
There are a million things running through my mind right now, however, I cannot make sense out of one thought! I do not like when this happens! I cannot believe that on Friday I will be 19 weeks along!! WOW! This baby making machine is working hard and working fast! I feel that time has gone by so fast! Halloween decorations are already being put up in the stores!! You know what comes next..... Christmas decorations!!! WOW!!! Teperatures are beginning to fall and I know the cooler weather and snow is just around the cornor!!! Happy day! So there you have it, a very random post about literally nothing.... But happy nothings!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Stockade Lake....!
We are all back home safe and sound.... Just tired from a quick but fun vacation! Hailey had a great time playing with her cousins!! Josh and I had a great time visisting with family and catching up! It was nice to get out of Denver for a couple of days! Overall the trip was fun, despite what happened!! Thanks John and Gina for the cabins!! We had fun!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
What A Trip!!
I am going to write more about our trip to South Dakota, but I need a little bit of time to give you all the run down on all of our events!! However, here are a couple of sneak peeks at our adventures!!! 

Of course I posted the worst pictures to capture your attention!!! It is official.... Bambi is dead! However, we are all doing great! Stay tuned!
Of course I posted the worst pictures to capture your attention!!! It is official.... Bambi is dead! However, we are all doing great! Stay tuned!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
My Squeaky Shoes!!!
Definately on my list of items to get for baby!! Boy or Girl!! These shoes are hilarious!!! Check them out at www.weesqueak.com. A patient of ours had them on today and I laughed so hard listening to her run around the office!! So funny! Kelli I could see Londyn wearing these and never wanting them off!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Did You Think This.....!
All you moms out there and soon to be moms, I am sure every woman experiences this..... I have become a bit of a nervous wreck.... Everytime I am between drs appointments I feel as though I am going to get some bad news when I go in! I am trying so hard not to think like this but I cannot help but continue to think it in the back of my mind something is wrong!!! I am just waiting patiently (or trying to) for this little one to kick me hard in the tummy one day! However, I have an appointment on September 18th and everything will be great!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Whoever Said....!
Morning sickness wears off by the first trimester was very, very wrong!!! This post is not for the weak of stomachs! I do not tell this story for sympathy, just merely for the fact of documenting experience!! Tonight while getting ready for bed I became very nauseas!!! I was standing over the tub to see if it would pass and to my luck NO IT DID NOT!!! I did not even have time to get to the toilet until the 2nd go round and even that was a hit and miss!!! I called my mom and told her if she lived here I would have her help me clean up my mess!! I was so embarassed and I am sure the look on my face while it was happening was priceless!!! Embarassed to the point where I do not even want Josh to come upstairs because there is now an odor lingering in our master bathroom and bedroom that I am trying to air out!! UGH!! However, everything is cleaned up now..... 1/2 roll of paper towel later!! Sorry if this is too much information!!
You get the good, the bad and the gross with this blog site!! However, I do feel better!
You get the good, the bad and the gross with this blog site!! However, I do feel better!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Fun At Work!!!
Who do you call when Mc. Gruff the crime dog calls and says he cannot make it to back to school night..... Your friendly Tooth Fairy!!! Yes, that is correct, I was second best to Mc. Gruff!! I had a school call me last week to see if I could dress up as the tooth fairy for the kiddos!! I think it is funny that they would think of me but very honored at the same time! This is a pre-school that I have been to a couple of times so I was good enough to be invited back!! We had all sorts of great give aways and the kids loved it!! I hope you enjoy the pictures!! Especially the one with me little belly!!! Please do not send word out that the Tooth Fairy is pregnant!!! We do not want to explain that one to our children!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Big 2nd Grader!!
Hailey started 2nd grade awhile ago and I wanted to post a picture of the big school girl!!! She is doing great and is really exceling in math and reading!! We are so proud of her! Keep it up Hailey!!!
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