It's beginning to look a lot like Falllll everywhere we go!!! So I decided to change a few words to the Christmas song!! Brrrrrr....! I must say it is quite chilly outside!! I am sad to see our warm weather go into hiberantion over the next 7 months! I am not sure that I am ready for the snow!! However, I love fall!! I love the way the air smells, crisp, fresh, etc..... I love watching the leaves change colors and the way the trees outline the roads as if you were driving through a painting!! I get excited when I get to pull out my warmer clothes and find my cute scarves and ski hats! I wish fall lasted a little longer than a few short weeks... I am sure it is longer than that, it just seems that the snow comes much faster than anticipated!!

Another reason to love San Diego:
Hi: 70° Oct. 15th
Lo: 55°
Hi: 68° Oct. 16th
Lo: 56°
Hi: 69° Oct. 17th
Lo: 54°
Hi: 72° Oct. 18th
Lo: 57°
Hi: 75° Oct. 19th
Lo: 56°
So....it's going to warm up a little in San Diego. I guess our CocoMotion will be "motionless" for a few days.
Fun times.
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