Thursday, October 11, 2007

I Wish I Would Have Walked Inside!!

I certainly have thought about this over and over again debating if I wanted to post this on my blog! However, blogs are about life and our experiences good or bad!!

Yesterday started out as any normal day... Actually no it did not! We usually do not see patients on Wednesday but we saw patients yesterday morning because we are off tomorrow!! It worked out perfectly because Josh was able to bring Little Miss to her first dental appointment!! She was such a trooper!! X-rays, cleaning, exam and all!! It certainly was fun to see her at work and to be able to clean her teeth!! On Wednesdays I work the afternoon because we have Hailey mid-morning, but since I had to work in the morning I ended up staying all day!! Jess called me as I was getting ready to head home to let me know that we would not be able to walk... I was happy about that becasue I was getting a little tired and wanted to go home and rest!! My drive home was pretty typical... Phone call to Mom and Kelli to catch up on the latest and greatest!

I pulled into our neighborhood around 5:45.... As I rounded the street I noticed something very alarming... Parked outside our home were 4 police vehicles... I thought thats a little odd!! I was not sure what had happened, but whatever it was, was not normal!! I got out of my car and walked next door to the neighbors on our left and asked what had happened... They were unsure, however, we were all curious!! The cops were at the house across the street from ours! As time went on undercover detectives showed up and the crime lab came and all went inside the house... I was beginning to feel as though I was in Hollywood on the set of Desperate Housewives!! It was beginning to really make me feel uncomfortable... At one point I went inside our house but my curiosity got the better of me.... I should know better by now that things like this do not sit well with me!! I wish I would have stayed inside and watched dancing with the stars!! I went back out and went a couple houses down and was talking with more neighbors... Actually we all congregated over there and we were watching what was unfolding!! I will not go into details of what I saw but I will say the lady who lived across from us is no longer living there and the for sale sign was taken down this morning! We are still unsure as to what happened to her, whether there was foul play or if she committed suicide... I am sure as days go on it will come out!! Finally when I went back inside I realized just how much it got to me to see it. Josh was working late so after I called and talked to him about it I called Jess.... I went over to her house for about an hour until Josh got home!! I did not want to be by myself... Last night was full of crazy dreams so I woke up very tired!! I was a little better today and driving home but again all the neighbors were outside and we got to talking!! I was still ok with it and then I was home alone again and I did not like it!! Hence, why I did not want to get on the computer... It is down in the basement!! If I hear anything I will certainly let you all know!! The cop informed us the "Everything is not ok, however, we are all ok" Meaning all the neighbors! I thought this kind of stuff only happened in the movies!! Quite disturbing!

I am so sorry if this made anyone uncomfortable!! I did not know my neighbor... I saw her occasionally coming and going! She lived in her house alone and it has been on the market for quite sometime!


JoAlice said...

Definitely a tough thing to see....especially so close to home. Hopefully it is something that helps your neighborhood grow closer and stronger.

Kelli said...

Okay I do not even want to begin to think about what you saw or of what happened because it will freak me out! Just ask Mom about the night "Ghost Hunters" was on in our house! Matilyn and I barely started sleeping through the night.