I do not think there are words to descibe what I had the privilage of doing this morning!! I had the opportunity to do the race for the cure 5K!! (Breast Cancer Walk/ Run) I did the race with my friend/co-worker Jess!! (You know the one who biffed it rollerblading) First of all it was the perfect day for a race!! It was a little chilly, however, all we needed to do is add the layers on!! I think it was in the low 50's by time we got downtown!!

I was overwhelmed with many emotions throughout the morning, and I still cannot help thinking about it!! All the many surviors that were walking and those walking for loved ones that had passed on!! People were wearing little signs on their back that said who they were walking for!! Above the names it said "In Celebration of.... or In Memory of" I smiled when I saw those whose lives were being celebrated because they beat this horrible disease.... On the other hand my heart broke when I saw someones sign that said In memory of My Wife, or My M

om, My Sister, My Friend, etc.... I cannot believe how many people came out today to support such a great cause.... They estimated about 67,000 people came to walk!! Some were currently fighting for their life!! I met a woman who was diagnosed a couple of months ago who has recently lost her hair and is having a double mastectomy in December!! While walking with these women and men I could not help but think to myself how grateful I am to be a woman!!! I felt so close to all these women and I had no idea who they were.... However, the bond goes much deeper... If that makes any sense!! I could not help but think of those who I know personally who have been through this fight!!! Aunt Phyllis, Grandma Bair and I am sure there are many more women I know!! I encourage all of you if you have a race in your state to get out and do it!! I promise you it is so worth it, I promise no regrets!!

Even the dogs got into the spirit!! Your eyes are not playing tricks on you, this poodle was in fact pink!!!
Work it girl!!! Looks like a great time. And great weather I am sure.. love ya
Wow! I would be honored to do something like that. Last year we did the Oklahoma City Heart Walk and that was very close to me since my father has heart problems. It turned out to be so much fun! I'd definitely do the race for the cure. I'm glad you were there to experience it!
AMAZING! I am so proud of you for doing the walk. We donate every year for this cause. Bob supports anything that goes towards cancer awareness and/or research. I am so glad you have pictures and I can only imagine the emotions you felt. I am sure they planned it, but it is so cool to see the one picture with the walkers on the highway (representing) the pink ribbon logo. At least that is how it looks to me!!
So proud of you! Thank you for doing this! Not to take away from the purpose of it but I'm curious if you walked it or ran? I can't wait to start running again! Again I am very proud of you.
I walked most of it, however, I wanted to run so badly... I told Jess it was our goal to run next year!! I want to run the Bolder Boulder in May that one is 6 miles... We will see if that happens :)
6 miles...you can do. Work up to running a mile without stopping. Then jump to 2 miles without stopping. By the time you get to 3 without stopping...4, 5, & 6 will be a breeze!
You are awesome! I am sure that was such an unforgettable experience. I saw the flyers for the race around town. Glad to know that your not a slacker like me.
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