I was laying on the couch after cleaning out the garage, I wanted to relax for a moment before conquering my next task!! I must have started dozing off because I had quite the wakening!! Thunder clapped so loud I am surprised that I did not roll right off the couch... I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest!! The rain got louder and louder and then sounded like rocks were pelting the windows!! I opened the front door and saw white everywhere!!! It was so cool!! I scooped up a handful and brought it in to show Josh!! I went back outside and saw that the streets were flooding... I cannot believe how much rain fell in the 10 minutes it rained!! While outside Josh decided to come out and have a "Hailball" fight!! I was laughing really hard! I am so glad that I put the cars into the garage when I was done cleaning!! I am not ready for snow!!!

I'm not ready for snow either. This being the upper 40's and 50's for our highs is killing me already. Cory mowed the lawn today and while others were in the street playing soccer in tanks & shorts, our kids were playing in the backyard in long pants, coats and snow hats that covered their ears. Am I paranoid or overreacting...maybe but it was cold.
When I experienced my first winter in Utah I was bundled up in October as well!! Once you have lived there awhile you guys will get used to it!! Give it a couple of years and you will be in short sleeves in 40* weather :)
I am so jealous!! we are still hitting 90 here..
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