This seemed to be the theme of our evening!! Hailey went out to play in the front yard around 6:15 and at the moment our house became Grand Central Station!! No, not really!! We had about 5 of our neighbor kids over in our yard playing!! Deja is the girl in the picture standing face to face with Hailey.... As soon as she saw Hailey she asked her if she wanted to work on her backbend!! Deja is very much into dancing and gymnastics!! She lives around the cornor and a couple of houses up!! The little girl sitting on the ground is Rya (R-eye-a) She is so stinking cute! She reminds me so much of my little niece Heather... Attitude and all!! She loves to dance and has no reservation about shanking her groove thang!! I love when the girlies come over to play with Hailey, and I know that she enjoys having kids in the neighborhood!! I could not help but laugh watching Deja trying to help Hailey with a backbend!!! She was quite the little trooper!!

As we were all out playing along comes the boys.... These boys are so stinking cute and they love to stir things up!! Boys will be boys!! Next thing I hear coming from the girls are "Boys are dumb" The little 3 year old repeats... "Yeah boys are dumb" They like to get Deja going and then she chases after them!! It was drama... Well as much drama as you can have at that age!!
Rya asked if she could play with some baby dolls!! Last time she was at our house Hailey brought out her babies and they all sat around and played!! Tonight they ended up playing with the stuffed animals and Rya wanted to know if we also had a tea set!! I was not about to bring out the whole kit and kaboodle... Maybe another time!! This little chicklet is quite the little chatter box... She was more than happy to tell me all about being a princess for Halloween!! However, she was not sure which princess she was going to be!! Hailey and I went shopping today for her Halloween costume!! She decided that she wanted to be Snow White!! We found her a great costume at Party City!! Surprisingly on sale!! Jackpot!! Hailey told her all about her costume!! Needless to say it was not a dull moment around our home tonight!! I loved it!! I think it is so sweet when the come over during the week to see if Hailey can come out and play... I only wish she were here to go out and play with them!!!

You crack me up... What a fun time being a mommy!! We don't have kids coming over to play yet unless you want to include the meagher girls. lol.. I can't wait for that day when my kids bring little friends over.
It looks like a great time! Hailey looks so happy! I love it!
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