HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! We hope everybody had a safe and great Halloween!! Hailey was able to spend Halloween with us this year and she had a great time Trick-Or-Treating!! The first picture was taken at my coworker Jess's house!! Hailey was Snow White and I was a Black Cat!! Not so scary though!! We had so much fun out tonight going to different houses!! I had to run some errands earlier today and Hailey wore her costume while we were out and about!! Good thing because she was able to trick-or-treat at the mall!! She got so much candy and got much much more this evening... To bad most of it will be laid to rest in the garbage can!!! Did anyone do anything fun and exciting?!?! Anyone make it to the 13th floor of a haunted house!! Some of the houses we went to tonight were a little intense!! A couple of them Hailey decided that she did not want to go up to the door... I do not blame her!! She was still talking about it on the way home, I hope that she is able to sleep good tonight!! I cannot believe that October has come and gone and another Halloween is over!! This year has gone by entirely way to fast!! I am not ready for 2008!! But I know it is coming so bring it on!! Again HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! MEOW!

You are the sexiest PUssy cat I have ever seen.. MEOW!! Looks like a great time at your house!! You are such a great mommy!!
You guys look cute! Oh my goodness your cat nose/whiskers crack me up when you're smiling! I hope Hailey slept good. Our kids crashed by 8:15! You all weren't even eating dinner yet at that time!
Hailey did sleep good!! Her and I had a slumber party in our room. Josh got kicked out to the guest bedroom :) We wanted to make sure that she had a good night sleep, she was thrilled and was wide awake and ready to go this morning!! I am not used to waking up to a little on the right side of me!!
Look how cute you are!! You have not changed a bit! Still the same cutie-pie. Love the kitty cat, good choice. My kids always try and get me to dress up and I never want to but some cute but simple like this I would concider.
Very cute. Both of you! I loved listening to Hailey's message on our voice mail, then talking live to her and having her describe everything you guys had done. Sounds like the two of you get along great and that's always a good thing!
You guys look so cute! I'm glad you had such a fun day.
you have been tagged by me.. check out my blog for details.. love ya
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