Welcome to our blog! We hope you come often and enjoy your stay! Leave a message so we know you have been here!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Disney Playhouse!!

Monday, December 24, 2007
Meet "Jax"

Fashion Icon!

First Snowman Of The Year!!

Friday, December 21, 2007
Where Has Time Gone?!?!
I cannot believe how long it has been since I have posted to my blog!! I am such a slacker! Truth be told I have not been feeling up to speed the past several weeks and I all want to do is lay down when I get home from work!! Josh and I have been keeping ourselves quite busy with work and the holiday just around the cornor!! Can you believe it?!?! We have Hailey at noon on Christmas day and we are certainly looking forward to this... As it will be our first Christmas with Hailey as a family! I have so much to catch up on so if you will all bear with me I will post again soon!! Promise!! Hugs to all and a great weekend!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Lions, Tigers and Bears.... Oh My!!

Hailey's favorite animal by far is the Giaraff! However, she did enjoy watching the seal and sea lion frolic in their pools!! She could have stood there for hours.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Family Fun Time!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Walking In A Winter Wonderland!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007
What A Week!!
Can I just say that I am not looking forward to this week! We are extremely busy at work so I know it will go by fast but it stinks that we only have Thursday off!! I am completely bummed out! I cannot remember the last time I had to work the day after Thanksgiving!! UGH!!! At least traffic on Friday will not be bad, however, I know that most of the cars out on the road will be heading out with friends and family to various stores to fulfill a tradition many know as "Black Friday" To all my family in Arizona... I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Have fun at the stores, Breakfast and Lunch!! Beware of all the crazed moms in search of Tickle Me Elmo!!!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Kids Say The Darndest Things!!
Hailey informed Josh and I on Sunday that we have cracks in our forehead!! I informed Hailey that those were not cracks that they were merely wrinkles that you get as your grow older!! Is that how children really view things.... I guess I have asked some pretty crazy things myself to my elders... What are some random things your kids have said to you!!! I guess when they say "You crack me up... You really did"
Tea For Three!!

Don't Ask!!!!

Puppies and Chipotle

Last Friday I met Josh at FedEx for a very important package!! That package would be Hailey!! Our most precious cargo!! I took Hailey back to my office where she entertained herself for a couple of hours on the Sesame Street web site! After leaving my office we decided that we would go to the Dumb Friends League to look at puppies up for adoption!! Hailey wants a puppy so bad!! Josh and I have decided that would be a great Christmas present! After we went to the DFL we went to Chipotle for a very yummy and a very well deserved burrito!! Actually Hailey and I shared a taco trio!! However, it was so good!! She was quite comical while eating her taco!! After we were done eating I had to go to the bathroom for the upteenth time that day!! Hailey and I earlier had to rush into a gas station bathroom to go... So here we were at Chipotle using their very large bathroom and Hailey proceeded to show me how her dad (Josh) dances.... She was so cute and so funny, I laughed so hard and she started giggling as well!! I love spending time with Hailey and I am so grateful that Josh allows me have so much one on one time with her!!
All About Me!!
I was tagged by Carley to list 6 things about myself!!
1. I would rather take a shower than a bath!
2. I hit the snooze button at least twice every morning... Or I will change the alarm time!!
3. I do not like to be home alone.... I am scared of the dark (a little, ok a lot)
4. I love a clean house!! (Mom aren't you glad)
5. I love to play in the leaves and I love playing in the snow!!
6. I love spending time with Josh, my family and friends!!
6 1/2. I miss my family
1. I would rather take a shower than a bath!
2. I hit the snooze button at least twice every morning... Or I will change the alarm time!!
3. I do not like to be home alone.... I am scared of the dark (a little, ok a lot)
4. I love a clean house!! (Mom aren't you glad)
5. I love to play in the leaves and I love playing in the snow!!
6. I love spending time with Josh, my family and friends!!
6 1/2. I miss my family
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Monday, October 29, 2007
I Lo Lo Lo Lo Love......
Call me crazy, call me weird, call me whatever floats your boat but I am in love with Febrezes new line of "Limited Edition" scents!! Our home can go from smelling like nothing to "Autum Spice and Crisp" or their newest "Mountain Pine and Snow" all in the slow click of a trigger!!! I love it!! I am using the Mountain Pine and Snow right now and it smells like I am up in the mountains in some cozy little cabin... I can close my eyes and just imagine I am in front of a warm crackling fireplace snuggled up on the couch reading a great book without a care in the world!!! Awwww... Heaven!! If anyone wants to come visit me in my little cabin, just close your eyes and drop on by!!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Just Around The Cornor!!
After dinner tonight I was debating what to do with my time... Since the house was all clean and the last of the laundry was in the washer and dryer I was racking my brain! I decided that tonight would be a perfect night for homemade chocolate chip cookies!! YUMMY!!! As I was getting all of the ingredients out and onto the counter I wanted nothing more than to listen to Christmas carols! Much to my surprise I have no holiday cds! Bummer!! Here we are not even to Halloween and I want to listen to Christmas music!! Maybe it is because the stores are already starting to play games with my mind! I cannot believe that holiday decorations are already out! Every year they seem to come out earlier and earlier... I bet in about 5 years they will just be left out year round!! Needless to say I made my cookies and I rocked out to Enya... Okay I did not rock out but it was up pretty loud!! I love having a house that enables me to listen to my music loud and dance around the floor without neighbors banging broom stick handles on the ceiling!! I am so ready for the holiday season!!! Less than 2 months!!!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Welcome Home!!

Josh, Hailey and I got home from South Dakota yesterday around 3:00!! All 3 of us had such a great time visiting Grandma and Grandpa!! Josh's parents have a lot of land surrounding thier home and it makes for a great playground!! Hailey had so much fun riding the John Deer Gator around the house, flying kites, petting and feeding the horses, running around with the dog, swinging on the swings and hiking up and down the hills! She kept herself very busy!! My nephew Chance spends the weekends at Grandma and Grandpa's so it was great for the 2 of them to play together!! Chance showed Hailey the ropes!! Hailey fell in love with his parents dog!! She is quite the skeptic when it comes to big dogs and was shy around Kennedy at first but completely warmed up to him!! She was thrilled when Grandma and Grandpa said it could sleep with her at night!! I was quite shocked at how much she loved playing with him!! Hailey said that Kennedy was her bestest bestest friend!!
A couple of months ago Josh's parents home got hammered with softball sized hail so they have had quite a project on their hands!! They have been reroofing their home for the past 3 weeks and Josh jumped right in to help out!! I am amazed at how much they accomplised in the 4 days we were there!! Hopefully it will get done in the next couple of days! They got pretty lucky that the rain and snow never came as predicted.. However, the wind was out of control!! I had so much fun playing with Hailey and Chance, I have not flown a kite in quite awhile and it made me feel like a kid again!! We also had a great time with Vance and Jenny (Josh's brother and wife) and their 2 kids! We were able to go over to their house for awhile the last night we were there and visit with them!! Thanks Jenny for the glow braceletts!! Hailey loves them!!
It was great to get out of Denver for a few days and regroup before the crazy buzz of the holidays!! I cannot believe that next week is Halloween!! Hailey will be at our house that night so we will be able to take her trick-or-treating!! She is really excited!! We are happy to be home and we were welcomed with a blanket of snow in our backyard!! Looks like the cold weather is on its way!! 

Sunday, October 21, 2007
On Vacation!!
Josh, Hailey and I are here in good ol' Rapid City, SD... We are having a great time and we are enjoying spending time with Grandma and Grandpa aka papa!! I have taken a lot of pictures, however, I am unable to upload them here at their house!! We are leaving here on Tuesday so I will certainly have a lot to brag, I mean, blog about!! It has been quite chilly!! We left Denver at 8:30 on Friday night... It was nice for Hailey because she was able to sleep about 5 of the 6 hours we were driving!! What a trooper!! I hope everyone is doing well!!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
I Love My Husband!!

Pee Into This Cup!
Nobody likes to pee in a cup!! However, I probably would not mind so much if I were at my doctors office taking a pregnancy test... That was not the case today!! After contemplating for quite sometime I have decided to get a part time job at Target!! Yes I will be sporting the sweet khakis and the red shirt with the cool target nametag!! I will be working there as a "Seasonal" employee!! Apparently I am a little bland and they think seasoning me for 90 days is going to spice me up a little!!
With this new adventure in my life I needed to take a drug test to make sure that I am not a crack case. I had 24 hours from noon today to complete this amazing test!! I could hardly contain myself!! I drove my little self to the medical plaza where we do our patient surgeries... Oh how I wish I was scrubbing up to go into the O.R. instead!
First of all I get lost trying to find this place.... How hard could it be you ask.. Let me tell you!! I get in the elevator and take it to the 2nd floor... I am on a mission to find suite 234c! I turn to my right and go down a hallway, cross an inclosed bridge and somehow I am now on the 3rd floor! Hmmm!! I wonder around walking through a maze of hallways and nothing! I finally go into an OBGYN office (Not for a pregnancy test) to ask where in the world is 234c!!! I felt like saying "Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?" Much to my surprise I have walked through a door and somehow ended up in Japan... The lady at the front desk was on the phone and did not even look up to see who had come in.... She was jabbering on the phone to someone in what I could only explain to be Japanese! I look at the name plate on the desk and I will just call the doctor, Dr. Ching Chong Wing Wong!! The receptionist finally gets off the phone and tells me how to get to my destination!! Go out the hall, across the bridge and down to the 2nd floor.... Holy Hanna!! I finally get to the lab!! ICKY!!! The ladies at the front desk were everything but friendly... I am sure they were happy because they were chowing down on Wendy's and talking on the cell phone. What a hard job!! I look around at the other people in the waiting room, which was the size of a midgets closet and realize I am a little out of my element! Finally it is my turn to go back... At least I think it is... I hear my name being called from the back of the office!! She might as well have gotten a blow horn!!
When I get to the back the unfriendly lady instantly tells me to lock my purse in this little ice box looking thing!! She gives me my little clear plastic cup and tells me that when the gentleman in front of me finishes I need to go in there and pee and I have 4 min!! Never have I ever been timed on my ability to urinate!! The only person I know who can pee that long is Tom Hanks in a League of Their Own! The bathroom is a little frightening!! There is tape all along the cabinets and signs that read.... "Do not flush unless told to" and "Do not wash your hands, hands must be washed in the lab" Ew ew ew ew GROSS!!! So not only have just pee'd into a cup I now have to put my hand on the door knob and take the germ infested cup back to the unfriendly lady.. I realize I am holding the key to my icebox and others before who used the same key did not wash their hands till the end!! Now I have a germ infested cup and a germ infested key! I give my specimen to the lady, wash my hands and run for the exit!! Hopefully I will not be doing that again anytime soon!! Next time I will bring my little travel toilet seat covers and hand sanitizer!!
With this new adventure in my life I needed to take a drug test to make sure that I am not a crack case. I had 24 hours from noon today to complete this amazing test!! I could hardly contain myself!! I drove my little self to the medical plaza where we do our patient surgeries... Oh how I wish I was scrubbing up to go into the O.R. instead!
First of all I get lost trying to find this place.... How hard could it be you ask.. Let me tell you!! I get in the elevator and take it to the 2nd floor... I am on a mission to find suite 234c! I turn to my right and go down a hallway, cross an inclosed bridge and somehow I am now on the 3rd floor! Hmmm!! I wonder around walking through a maze of hallways and nothing! I finally go into an OBGYN office (Not for a pregnancy test) to ask where in the world is 234c!!! I felt like saying "Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?" Much to my surprise I have walked through a door and somehow ended up in Japan... The lady at the front desk was on the phone and did not even look up to see who had come in.... She was jabbering on the phone to someone in what I could only explain to be Japanese! I look at the name plate on the desk and I will just call the doctor, Dr. Ching Chong Wing Wong!! The receptionist finally gets off the phone and tells me how to get to my destination!! Go out the hall, across the bridge and down to the 2nd floor.... Holy Hanna!! I finally get to the lab!! ICKY!!! The ladies at the front desk were everything but friendly... I am sure they were happy because they were chowing down on Wendy's and talking on the cell phone. What a hard job!! I look around at the other people in the waiting room, which was the size of a midgets closet and realize I am a little out of my element! Finally it is my turn to go back... At least I think it is... I hear my name being called from the back of the office!! She might as well have gotten a blow horn!!
When I get to the back the unfriendly lady instantly tells me to lock my purse in this little ice box looking thing!! She gives me my little clear plastic cup and tells me that when the gentleman in front of me finishes I need to go in there and pee and I have 4 min!! Never have I ever been timed on my ability to urinate!! The only person I know who can pee that long is Tom Hanks in a League of Their Own! The bathroom is a little frightening!! There is tape all along the cabinets and signs that read.... "Do not flush unless told to" and "Do not wash your hands, hands must be washed in the lab" Ew ew ew ew GROSS!!! So not only have just pee'd into a cup I now have to put my hand on the door knob and take the germ infested cup back to the unfriendly lady.. I realize I am holding the key to my icebox and others before who used the same key did not wash their hands till the end!! Now I have a germ infested cup and a germ infested key! I give my specimen to the lady, wash my hands and run for the exit!! Hopefully I will not be doing that again anytime soon!! Next time I will bring my little travel toilet seat covers and hand sanitizer!!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Rocktober Is Well Under Way!!!
Today was offically declared "Purple Tuesday" We are all very excited about the Rockies and their performace over the past month!!! I am sorry to all of the Arizona fans who read this blog... However, you know what it felt like when the Diamondbacks went to the series!! Let us have our moment!! It certainly is nice to finally see the stadium at full capicity!! It was quite sad going to the games and seeing so many empty seats!! I cannot believe how far they have come!!! Now, we just need the nuggets to pull through, then we have been to every major sports championship!! Super Bowl, Stanley Cup and the World Series!! GO ROCKIES!!!
PS- If anyone wants to come out for the games we have lots of room!!! HAHAHAHA!! I think going to a game would be so much fun.... However, tickets are out of control!!!
PS- If anyone wants to come out for the games we have lots of room!!! HAHAHAHA!! I think going to a game would be so much fun.... However, tickets are out of control!!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Do The Cocomotion With Me!!

Fall, Fall, Fall!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007
What The..... Hail!!!

The 411!!!
I was on a serious mission this morning... CLEAN THE GARAGE OUT!! With winter sneaking upon us I really wanted to get our cars into it!! I was out thre forever it seemed like getting everything put away and thrown away... Josh bought a shop vac a couple of months ago and it became my new best friend!! I love it!! While cleaning out the garage I noticed some cars at the neighbors house... A woman walked outside and I asked them if they needed any boxes since I noticed them carrying some inside the house... The woman was Jen's mom. She told me what had happened... Apparently Jen (our neighbor) had been really sick for quite sometime... She had liver failure and that is what she died from... Not suicide!! I feel much better knowing that it was natural causes. They believe that she died on Monday night and it was not until the mom and sister went over on Wednesday that they found her! I just wanted to set it all straight as to what happened!! I guess I should not jump so quickly to conclusions!
Friday, October 12, 2007
New And Improved!!
As promised here is a much better picture!! I am so thrilled that the braces are finally off!! However, I still feel like a teeny bopper!! Sorry mom, I know our bed is messy.... Look past it :)

Just so all of you know I am doing much better... I slept well last night!! I am still a little jumpy at times but I am doing better!! I called the Aurora Police Department and it sounds like she did it to herself! I saw two women there tonight, I assume they were cleaning up the house... They had cleaning supplies, etc... One walked out wiping her eyes and I felt really bad for her!! I wanted to go over, but decided it may not be appropriate!!

Just so all of you know I am doing much better... I slept well last night!! I am still a little jumpy at times but I am doing better!! I called the Aurora Police Department and it sounds like she did it to herself! I saw two women there tonight, I assume they were cleaning up the house... They had cleaning supplies, etc... One walked out wiping her eyes and I felt really bad for her!! I wanted to go over, but decided it may not be appropriate!!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I Wish I Would Have Walked Inside!!
I certainly have thought about this over and over again debating if I wanted to post this on my blog! However, blogs are about life and our experiences good or bad!!
Yesterday started out as any normal day... Actually no it did not! We usually do not see patients on Wednesday but we saw patients yesterday morning because we are off tomorrow!! It worked out perfectly because Josh was able to bring Little Miss to her first dental appointment!! She was such a trooper!! X-rays, cleaning, exam and all!! It certainly was fun to see her at work and to be able to clean her teeth!! On Wednesdays I work the afternoon because we have Hailey mid-morning, but since I had to work in the morning I ended up staying all day!! Jess called me as I was getting ready to head home to let me know that we would not be able to walk... I was happy about that becasue I was getting a little tired and wanted to go home and rest!! My drive home was pretty typical... Phone call to Mom and Kelli to catch up on the latest and greatest!
I pulled into our neighborhood around 5:45.... As I rounded the street I noticed something very alarming... Parked outside our home were 4 police vehicles... I thought thats a little odd!! I was not sure what had happened, but whatever it was, was not normal!! I got out of my car and walked next door to the neighbors on our left and asked what had happened... They were unsure, however, we were all curious!! The cops were at the house across the street from ours! As time went on undercover detectives showed up and the crime lab came and all went inside the house... I was beginning to feel as though I was in Hollywood on the set of Desperate Housewives!! It was beginning to really make me feel uncomfortable... At one point I went inside our house but my curiosity got the better of me.... I should know better by now that things like this do not sit well with me!! I wish I would have stayed inside and watched dancing with the stars!! I went back out and went a couple houses down and was talking with more neighbors... Actually we all congregated over there and we were watching what was unfolding!! I will not go into details of what I saw but I will say the lady who lived across from us is no longer living there and the for sale sign was taken down this morning! We are still unsure as to what happened to her, whether there was foul play or if she committed suicide... I am sure as days go on it will come out!! Finally when I went back inside I realized just how much it got to me to see it. Josh was working late so after I called and talked to him about it I called Jess.... I went over to her house for about an hour until Josh got home!! I did not want to be by myself... Last night was full of crazy dreams so I woke up very tired!! I was a little better today and driving home but again all the neighbors were outside and we got to talking!! I was still ok with it and then I was home alone again and I did not like it!! Hence, why I did not want to get on the computer... It is down in the basement!! If I hear anything I will certainly let you all know!! The cop informed us the "Everything is not ok, however, we are all ok" Meaning all the neighbors! I thought this kind of stuff only happened in the movies!! Quite disturbing!
I am so sorry if this made anyone uncomfortable!! I did not know my neighbor... I saw her occasionally coming and going! She lived in her house alone and it has been on the market for quite sometime!
Yesterday started out as any normal day... Actually no it did not! We usually do not see patients on Wednesday but we saw patients yesterday morning because we are off tomorrow!! It worked out perfectly because Josh was able to bring Little Miss to her first dental appointment!! She was such a trooper!! X-rays, cleaning, exam and all!! It certainly was fun to see her at work and to be able to clean her teeth!! On Wednesdays I work the afternoon because we have Hailey mid-morning, but since I had to work in the morning I ended up staying all day!! Jess called me as I was getting ready to head home to let me know that we would not be able to walk... I was happy about that becasue I was getting a little tired and wanted to go home and rest!! My drive home was pretty typical... Phone call to Mom and Kelli to catch up on the latest and greatest!
I pulled into our neighborhood around 5:45.... As I rounded the street I noticed something very alarming... Parked outside our home were 4 police vehicles... I thought thats a little odd!! I was not sure what had happened, but whatever it was, was not normal!! I got out of my car and walked next door to the neighbors on our left and asked what had happened... They were unsure, however, we were all curious!! The cops were at the house across the street from ours! As time went on undercover detectives showed up and the crime lab came and all went inside the house... I was beginning to feel as though I was in Hollywood on the set of Desperate Housewives!! It was beginning to really make me feel uncomfortable... At one point I went inside our house but my curiosity got the better of me.... I should know better by now that things like this do not sit well with me!! I wish I would have stayed inside and watched dancing with the stars!! I went back out and went a couple houses down and was talking with more neighbors... Actually we all congregated over there and we were watching what was unfolding!! I will not go into details of what I saw but I will say the lady who lived across from us is no longer living there and the for sale sign was taken down this morning! We are still unsure as to what happened to her, whether there was foul play or if she committed suicide... I am sure as days go on it will come out!! Finally when I went back inside I realized just how much it got to me to see it. Josh was working late so after I called and talked to him about it I called Jess.... I went over to her house for about an hour until Josh got home!! I did not want to be by myself... Last night was full of crazy dreams so I woke up very tired!! I was a little better today and driving home but again all the neighbors were outside and we got to talking!! I was still ok with it and then I was home alone again and I did not like it!! Hence, why I did not want to get on the computer... It is down in the basement!! If I hear anything I will certainly let you all know!! The cop informed us the "Everything is not ok, however, we are all ok" Meaning all the neighbors! I thought this kind of stuff only happened in the movies!! Quite disturbing!
I am so sorry if this made anyone uncomfortable!! I did not know my neighbor... I saw her occasionally coming and going! She lived in her house alone and it has been on the market for quite sometime!
And They Are Off!!
I wanted to take a better picture, however, this will have to do for right now! I have had such a crazy couple of days and I really have not been in the mood to be on the computer!! I promise to get a much better picture and get it up for all to see!! 

Sunday, October 7, 2007
Proud To Be a Woman!!

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